Started by LWTCS a short 3 months ago, already having one of the highest total replies in the category “Recipe Development”… covering various washes, the use of Dunder [Backset to you Whiskey mavericks], Dunder Pits and the incorporation of Infected Dunder into washes…
Recently a very interesting issue has come to light, and I am really interested to hear from any and all members that would be kind enough to share firsthand experience [No Hearsay please] that could shed more light on the pros and cons of allowing fully fermented dry washes to age on the lees for several months prior to stillin…
I would like to hear results covering all different kinds of spirits and would greatly appreciate remaining 100% focussed on the topic.
Although I would like to keep it simple straight forward and as informative as possible… and hopefully it could even be fun… It would be great if members could format their initial post something like…
“Corn whisky wash, rested 6 months on lees, strip run, then spirit run using pot still… then details of your results and opinions as to quality, etc… Prior to and after aging if possible”.
Here is a quote on page 8 of “Rum Talk…” go have a look to get a feel of what’s the big deal…
“Picky is a good thing... that is how we get what we want in life...
if resting on lees is good enough for many of the premier wines, best brandies and Cognacs... and S&S's apple brandy...
well then concidering both your old batch as well as my old batch seemed to be one of the better runs we've had... well maybe just maybe the best kept secret to the best rums of all is good old fashion patience...
I'd love to hear from some of our esteemed whiskey makers as to whether or not they have had similar experiences in running washes that have been left forgotten on lees for many months prior to stillin???”