Thanks again for all the help, I now have a fully functioning and beautiful looking (in my eyes anyway) still

Am still not sure what to call it, I guess it is a pot still that has a lot of internal reflux, the distillate comes out at around 80% so I guess there must be quite a bit going on in the column.
oooh am so excited where do I start, ok here is a pic of my brew's two of them are apple cider, coz its the season here and the other two are molasses and sugar for making a rum. I used champagne yeast for one and a turbo for the other, I know turbos are supposed to be bad but I had a pack so shame to waste it. is a new one supposed to be cleaner but I guess they all say that. not ready yet but counting down the days.
The rum is basically 50/50 brown sugar and molasses, anyone made a rum like this before, any advice?
Ok now the exciting bit, This is the boiler, it is an old hot water heater I "found" at work 2000W element which is a bit too powerful for the size but I have developed my own controller which regulates the power to the element without cycling on and off. What I do is run the boiler on full power until the temp begins to rise, I then unplug the boiler and plug it into an adapter I have made that connects the element in series with a small kitchen kettle, this seems to put just enough load on to reduce the power in the boiler to a perfect level for slow runs

The column is attached with a brass fitting the internal diameter of the connection is only 1/2 inch, not a huge hole I know bus was the only thing I could find to fit and hey it works fine.
Next is a side view of the main section, The cooling round the column does not do much on a stripping run but seems to help on the slow spirit runs, the thermometer in the top is a cheap digital one and am not too confident about the reading but at least it gives me an idea of what is going on up there.
I have created a simple cooling loop with a washing machine pump and a 25l reservoir which i bung a load of ice in at the start of a run. The cooling is a simple coil in a bucket, not rocket science I know but is simple and works very well. The distillate comes out at room temp if not lower and is collected in small 250ml glass bottles.
ok final pick, my new spirits. So far this is all I have managed to collect, have been super over cautious with the cuts but have all the rest of the low wines for another day when I am a bit more experienced with cuts.
the three bottles each have a piece of charcoal I made from a pear tree, thought that this would create quite a nice flavor, smells good already and tastes not bad too even after only 3 days.
so there you have it, hope I did not bore you too much, as usual any comment or suggestions much appreciated and hope this helps some of you new guys out there too.