"There comes a time in every project when you just shoot the engineers and begin production."
Apologies to all the engineers out there but I'm an old fixit guy and I finally said "

it" and went with what I know. To everyone, thank you for the help. To "johnarms", YOU BETCHA. EZ flange time.
The only mistake I made was using 4ga copper wire instead of 6ga which made me grind a relief bevel on the underside of the flanges so the clamp would fit but it turned out nicely. Tomorrow the cleaning runs and then back to cookin'.
I put this glass at the junction where the packing will stop above the reflux coil. The coldfinger comes down to just below the top flange. I use one or both depending on what I'm doing and now I'll be able to see what really is happening in this column. I don't do AGs yet so I'm not concerned with a puke but right now watching for flooding is my main concern. The second one will eventually go in just above the boiler.
Here's a few pics of today's efforts.

- Setting up for soldering

- Soldered

- Cleaned up

- Installed

- Complete and ready for cleaning runs
tp (and the end of a long day)