Have 3 brothers-in-law, all 3 ministers. Oldest started out as trthskr1, next to oldest trthskr2 and so on. 2 of them look down on my little illicit hobby, the other one and his wife make a "shopping trip" by the house every now and then and clean me out of hooch. I don't tell and they don't either.
The name fits pretty well though, I've grown out of idealogies and seek the ultimate truth in almost everything no matter what it is and where it takes me. Lots of folks frown on that though. Gets me in trouble at times, oh well. I only wish I was smart enough to remember half the stuff I've learned in my life and forgotten.
15 gallon pot still, 2"x18" column with liebeg condensor on propane.
Modified Charles 803 w/ 50gal boiler, never ran so far.
My brother has been makeing whisky for years. I just never developed a taste for whisky even though his are excellent. He had me order him a 50# bag of brown sugar for a batch of rum. I tasted it and said, now this is something I can get into. He told me about this site. When I joined, the only thing I would have had to contribute would have been bulls@%t, so RumBull it was. Also like the mispelling of rumble which too much rum can get you into.
I had just got through watching young dr. "Franken-shteen" for the 40th time or so, and got to thinkin how this hobby kinda brings out the mad scientist in all of us. It's reminds of the feeling of being young and having a chemistry set and a quart jar of black powder - and a whole summer to blow things up. Yes, I do play the piano with all my fingers still intact.
Also, I love Marty Feldman and I try not to take myself to seriously, although Frau Bleucher might say something different......
Great thread. Mine was given to me many years ago, a hunting thing... Center mass was the easier shot and better odds of hitting something.... that and GutShot is a buddies nickname!
I don't still...yet....just read. When I got my first pc and 300 Baud dial up I used first name and first initial of last name on the BB's. That was good through the 1200 B but when I went turbo, 2400B and joined compuserve some other sob had already taken davida but I wanted to be a davida too. So I was. Pretty unoriginal. Use that nick everywhere now except for BofA which has davida's into the 4 digits. Most everywhere else davida2 is not taken and that's my online name/nick.
Found this site and remembered grandparents in a farming area. Last time i was there I saw the street name ( Tater Patch Road ). I never remembered the Lane had a name so with this site i am the Tater Patch Kid.
My name come from the word idiot. Back in the days i got the name idi (short for idiot here in Sweden) from my friends, cause i always blew stuff up. It started out innocent with blackpowder, and then got worse. Like blowing up my room (accidentally) at my parents house, or the biggie out at sea that even made the swedish navy and a couple of newspapers interrested..and some 100.000 of fishes reaching nirvana...
And eternity, my friend, is a long fucking time....
idaz wrote:My name come from the word idiot. Back in the days i got the name idi (short for idiot here in Sweden) from my friends, cause i always blew stuff up. It started out innocent with blackpowder, and then got worse. Like blowing up my room (accidentally) at my parents house, or the biggie out at sea that even made the swedish navy and a couple of newspapers interrested..and some 100.000 of fishes reaching nirvana...
idaz wrote:Yes, You might may.. But where did the alcohol come into the picture??
Having just read about "power on a 2" which was very useful info to me I see where alcohol doesn't come into the picture.
Looks like you can blow up an egg in a wine glass and not break the glass...and having fun with the 2" no worries!
smeag was my online character in one of the first across the net killem games. It was called Marathon and preceded most all group battles over the net (1994). On a Macintosh 0f course.
“What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” -Bob Dylan
lawnman 2 wrote:well im a lawnmowing contractor so name fits,my dad called me lawnman one day so i use it on all forums easy.
and my avatar photo is an afl footy team in australia most ozzies will reconise this we arr the 08 premires of the afl ohhh did i say that out loud sorry .
I have been a martial artist all my life. My original sciences were Japanese. BuShiDo (the way of the warrior) is a japanese militaristic concept to which I adhere to.
Japans greatest swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi, who developed a method of using both the long and short swords at the same time, and author of the Go Rin No Sho, or book of five rings, was once asked what the essence of BuShiDo was. Instantly he answered, the way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death. To realize that you may be injured or killed in battle, but not to have that knowledge stop you from acting. This is BuShiDo.
This has saved my behind many many times. I will take water from no man, and have read from the good book to many of those who have tried to force their will upon me. I am BuShiDo.
Did a fair bit of Wing Chun when I was in my teens, was okay at it. These days I just rely on my size, hairiness, and deep voice to scare the buggers off. Must be working, haven't been hassled for any reason in many years. Though I am also wise enough now to stay away from dark alleys, which probably helps.
Mine came from a 1965 prostreet chevelle that I built in my shop to drive on the street and have fun with. The first time I went to the track I ran it in a modified street class and ran 9.96 at 157mph, the track owner met me at the trailer and told me to load up that pro65 and not come back untill I installed rollbars and had it certified, which I never did because it was just a street toy.