ive just ordered 3 60l fermenting bins 2 with taps and bubbler grommets and one with out. plan is to convert them to supper sized mash tuns/ fermenters. plan being get some smaller vessels that fit inside and can contain my entire grain bill. ill then drill lots of little holes in to the smaller ones and use them like a tea infuser. anyone done this and have any tips?
you could go for a symmetrical good to look at pattern but i thought fuck it and attacked it with my drill. should work the same ether way.
25l infuser w/t holes punched
25l sitting in the 60l
going to fire it up tonight and get some all grain bourbon on the go.
will be moving to another thread for the recipe and steps. then come back and review how the hardware worked out. wish me luck
ive found that 7.5 kgs of grain after swelling fill the 25 liter tub so your better of trying to build a false bottom. fortunately the tub wont go to wasted just re-purposed for brewing beer.
after attempting to drain the barrel ive discover it trickles out at about 10min/l(probably not accurate but it wasn't good enough). so ive devised a back up plan where i use hose with many holes drilled in. 22mm x3/4"bsp female coupler. screw it on to the tap and go.
WooTeck wrote:after attempting to drain the barrel ive discover it trickles out at about 10min/l(probably not accurate but it wasn't good enough). so ive devised a back up plan where i use hose with many holes drilled in. 22mm x3/4"bsp female coupler. screw it on to the tap and go.
people are doing the same with copper pipe and elbows. they cut slits with a hack saw. nothing is soldered for easy cleaning. I believe jimbo has a thread about plus others. look in the still accessories threads