Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on Home Distiller. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. The Rules By Which We Live

    1. After registering and activating your account, you must post your first message in the Welcome Center forum. Say a few words to introduce yourself. As an anti-spam measure, your first post must be approved by a moderator. #
    2. Be polite and courteous. Remember that nobody is perfect and nobody knows everything. We've all got our strengths and limitations, which is why we share information with each other in the first place. Remember that we're all different and nothing is going to change that fact. #
    3. Please use the "google search" feature at the top of the forum before asking novice questions. If you are serious about distillation, you will need to do a lot of research. We're willing to help, but we're more willing to help if you take the time to familiarize yourself first. #
    4. No porn. Don't post it. #
    5. Do not discuss religion or politics. These forums are a friendly place for a community which shares a common interest: creating high quality spirits. These discussions only divide people and quickly lead to flaming and hard feelings. #
    6. No discussions of any illegal activity, except the actual hobby level distillation process. These forums are only for discussing the creation and enjoyment of high quality spirits for one's own personal consumption. They are not for the discussion or promotion of any other illegal activities, including illegal drugs, obtaining stilling materials by illegal means, etc. Offenders may be banned. Do not discuss cannabis until it is legalized at the Federal level in the United States. #
    7. No racism. I don't care what your views are regarding people who aren't the same color, sex, orientation or ethnic heritage as you; keep them to yourself. Remember that I'm a minority as are many others of our members. #
    8. Safety first and foremost! These forums take a very strong negative view on the use of plastics and synthetics in distilling. It simply is not safe to use these during any part of the distillation process with the exception of HPDE buckets which are acceptable for fermentation. There simply are too many types of plastics and a lack of reliable information for us to reliably advocate their use anywhere in the distillation apparatus. Also, from past posting history, this topic seems to quickly boil down into an almost religious flame war. Thus we simply will not put up with it, and posts about any form of plastic use will be edited, deleted or locked. #
    9. It is the hope of this forum to promote the legalization of hobby distilling here in the United States. One of our goals is to prove that quality products can be created safely by the home distiller for personal use. Any discussion of selling, bartering or trading any distilled liquor unless by a licensed distillery will not tolerated. Such posts will be edited, deleted or locked, and the poster removed from this site. #
    10. In our view 30 gallons and under is considered hobby size. Do not bring anything larger than this to our site. Legal distillers can talk about larger boilers in the Craft Distiller forums. #
    11. Links to these sites and videos are not welcome here and will be deleted:
      American Copper Works
      Powder River Copper works
      Hillbilly Stills
      woodshed distilling
      The Distillery Network.
      Youtube channels: Barley and Hops Brewing.===These sellers have a poor reputations regarding advice, service, delivery or workmanship. Caveat Emptor.
      Other links to vendors may be left for user's convenience but are not endorsed by the forum. If any vendor become suspect, they will be added to this list and the links deleted. Users repeatedly linking to these vendors may also be banned.
      • Only one user ID is allowed. Only craft distillers may list a web site in their profile or signature, with license # provided. Please disable tapatalk ads before you post on Home Distillers. #
      • Enjoy the information offered here and share your knowledge with us. #
    12. "This forum is dedicated to both the art and experience of its members. AI generated text brings neither of these to our community. Do not post AI articles or paragraphs as contribution to this forum. It will be removed at the moderators' discretion."

      1) Safety- These articles are often long and difficult to read. It will either get skimmed over by the community, or take resources away to comb through these articles for validation

      2) Internet hits will give the world a dull view of our rather vibrant community

      3) There is no one to hold accountable for mediocre, bad or incoherent information

      4) We all have access to hold conversations with a robot about distillation outside the forum. If you learn something on your own, great. We are here to learn from each other #