Search found 61 matches

by mendodistilling
Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:04 am
Forum: Related Gas Accessories
Topic: Propane Safety controller
Replies: 7
Views: 3811

Re: Propane Safety controller

I think I figured it out. Would this work? Furnace controller that opens the valve and the second valve for the pilot upon firing also has a thermostat wire which I could place in the parrot and set for a temperature within the condensers range. If the distillate rose above that temp it would then r...
by mendodistilling
Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:57 am
Forum: Related Gas Accessories
Topic: Propane Safety controller
Replies: 7
Views: 3811

Re: Propane Safety controller

Thanks for your responses. This will be placed in a licensed facility soon. I'm trying to get it to work the way I want it to but it came just a still and I've had to build the firebox and controls for it. I'd just like to add more safety. So let's assume I know a lot about distilling but not enough...
by mendodistilling
Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:15 pm
Forum: Related Gas Accessories
Topic: Propane Safety controller
Replies: 7
Views: 3811

Propane Safety controller

Hi guys, I'm working with a burner from Ward burners, X-44 impinged. I'd like to have a brewery type controller in a Nema control panel to stop the distillation if the condenser ever fails or I need to turn it off. I'd also like it to show the distillate temperature using a thermometer in the parrot...
by mendodistilling
Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:49 pm
Forum: Grains
Topic: Best flavor grain seed breeds of Rye, Wheat and Corn
Replies: 2
Views: 1097

Best flavor grain seed breeds of Rye, Wheat and Corn

Hello, I've got some friends that are interested in growing some different rye, wheat, and corn varieties. I'm curious what might be the strains with the most flavor and produce the best whiskies. I have pointed him in the direction of strains used for making breads but I was curious if anyone has a...
by mendodistilling
Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:40 pm
Forum: Resources and Reviews
Topic: opinion of stills
Replies: 30
Views: 8140

Re: opinion of stills

I ran my 5 gallon and it is not made very well. The hole which you would need to drain the liquids is not big enough to keep up with the volume of water you need to transfer to cool the coil properly. The condenser is not big enough either, its smaller than the still instead of 1.5x or bigger to giv...
by mendodistilling
Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:12 pm
Forum: Resources and Reviews
Topic: opinion of stills
Replies: 30
Views: 8140

Re: opinion of stills

What temp inlet water do you need in order to keep the distillate from getting too hot on the way out? Mine is pretty hot, I don't 5 gallon has a big enough condenser. I may have to call Jayson about this.
by mendodistilling
Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:40 pm
Forum: Tried and True Recipes
Topic: Odin's Easy Gin
Replies: 1367
Views: 439988

Re: Odin's Easy Gin

Anyone use dried peel? What range per liter do you use?
by mendodistilling
Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:26 pm
Forum: Drinks and Drinking
Topic: Windy's Bourbon & Enzymes
Replies: 23
Views: 3628

Re: Windy's Bourbon & Enzymes

Would it depend on if you are using malted rye or rye grain. I would think you would have to gelatinize the grain first but with malt you would need to give it a protein rest then bump up temps and saccharify, no need for boil bc its got the enzymes to help break down the freed starches. With raw gr...
by mendodistilling
Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:50 pm
Forum: Still Related Hardware
Topic: positive displacement pump for ethanol
Replies: 13
Views: 3004

Re: positive displacement pump for ethanol

I was looking for something like a flotec diaphragm pump with the appropriate edpm or santoprene diaphragm so that it will be ethanol tolerant. I've got some 95% alcohol I was trying to do some mascerations with and wanted to do them quicker than syphoning them, so I was looking for a pump that woul...
by mendodistilling
Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:17 pm
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: Panela/Piloncillo RUM
Replies: 317
Views: 70981

Re: Panela/Piloncillo RUM

Does anyone sour mash their panela batches? I've been thinking of trying to aim for a 25% backset in the cook to try and see what happens.
by mendodistilling
Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:12 pm
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: Panela/Piloncillo RUM
Replies: 317
Views: 70981

Re: Panela/Piloncillo RUM

I ran a batch @ 16.5 brix and it seems like its finished at 2.5 brix. This is pretty much on the money of 85% fermentable sugar. Is this common for you guys? Can you get this to ferment below zero? I'm about 3 days away from happy tasting days!
by mendodistilling
Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:15 pm
Forum: Sugar
Topic: when to pH adjust
Replies: 8
Views: 1922

Re: when to pH adjust

I was using lallemand notingham yeast that I use for beer. I am going to try and maybe get ahold of the lallemand distilamax RM but I am just starting to think this direction so I haven't looked into it much. I bumped up the temps to 75 to try and finish them off, tried to bump one up to 80 with an ...
by mendodistilling
Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:03 pm
Forum: Sugar
Topic: when to pH adjust
Replies: 8
Views: 1922

Re: when to pH adjust

I indeed did pH adjust after finishing the temperature hold for 30 minutes. Pitched, added nutes, warmed it up to 75 to let it get started, then later i'll move it inside, we'll see what happens.
by mendodistilling
Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:53 am
Forum: Sugar
Topic: when to pH adjust
Replies: 8
Views: 1922

when to pH adjust

Hello guys, I have some panela on its first day, during the cook, I brought it to 180, let it sit for 30 min which brought it down to 150, it was pretty cold. Then I pH adjusted it with 75% phosphoric acid down to 3.8, which I waited, stirred and checked 2-3 more times, even going so far as cooling ...
by mendodistilling
Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:27 pm
Forum: Craft Distillers
Topic: Things I saw last week at six craft distilleries
Replies: 8
Views: 2906

Re: Things I saw last week at six craft distilleries

I met one of the girls working at oola running that double pda 2. Too bad you didn't get more pictures of that place, it was a crazy thing. They had the most beautiful building and front tasting room, etc. Then you walk in the back and everything is hand made, it was kind of paradoxical but still it...
by mendodistilling
Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:03 pm
Forum: Condensers/Cooling Methods
Topic: best ways for chilling alcohol to -15F
Replies: 3
Views: 971

Re: best ways for chilling alcohol to -15F

I'm trying to use the alcohol for a hydrosol extraction, so it will be a lot, however, I've considered doing it in a chest freezer in small batches.
by mendodistilling
Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:43 pm
Forum: Still Related Hardware
Topic: positive displacement pump for ethanol
Replies: 13
Views: 3004

positive displacement pump for ethanol

I am looking for a pump that I can use to circulate alcohol through misc processes which is a positive displacement pump 1/2" ID. Any suggestions? I saw tickle on moonshiners use an RV water pump but was sure that the seals or the diaphragm would not be ethyl alcohol tolerant or safe. I have a ...
by mendodistilling
Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:16 pm
Forum: Condensers/Cooling Methods
Topic: best ways for chilling alcohol to -15F
Replies: 3
Views: 971

best ways for chilling alcohol to -15F

I am interested in setting up a system to chill 75 degree 95% ABV alcohol down to -15 degrees for which will be used on an alcohol extraction of oils in tubes I that will be filled once chilled. I have considered using a deep freezer, chest style and setting up copper lines around the outside edges,...
by mendodistilling
Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:13 pm
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: Panela/Piloncillo RUM
Replies: 317
Views: 70981

Re: Panela/Piloncillo RUM

I'm so confused, was it good but different than anything you tasted or bad? Did you not like the boka run, however, the neutral vdrsion was appealing?
by mendodistilling
Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:12 pm
Forum: Novice Distillers
Topic: DIY condenser water chiller
Replies: 5
Views: 6129

Re: DIY condenser water chiller

Which way would be a better idea, the cooling tower or the radiator?
by mendodistilling
Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:54 pm
Forum: Novice Distillers
Topic: DIY condenser water chiller
Replies: 5
Views: 6129

DIY condenser water chiller

I'm looking for some ideas for how to make a closed loop water chiller setup to bring the water temperature of my condensing water down. I'm having trouble keeping control of my hillbilly still 26 gallon still and think it is really effecting my yield because it flashes off at times if I'm not able ...
by mendodistilling
Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:55 pm
Forum: Novice Distillers
Topic: Trouble keeping electric still from burning On Grain
Replies: 16
Views: 4228

Re: Trouble keeping electric still from burning On Grain

I've got lots and lots of wine making equipment. I've considered using my hydropress but the thought of dumping this corn on the ground afterwards and scooping it up seems like a lot of clean up so I was thinking of other ways to do it. Mine doesn't tip, it just lifts off and a cake is formed which ...
by mendodistilling
Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:56 am
Forum: Novice Distillers
Topic: Trouble keeping electric still from burning On Grain
Replies: 16
Views: 4228

Re: Trouble keeping electric still from burning On Grain

what would guys suggest for grain seperation from the fermenter? it seems to me fermenting on the grain is better for extraction if I were not going to elevate temps to kill off enzymes however it creates a bit of a problem to remove it. I have a wine pumace racking wand with perforated holes, has a...
by mendodistilling
Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:42 pm
Forum: Novice Distillers
Topic: Trouble keeping electric still from burning On Grain
Replies: 16
Views: 4228

Re: Trouble keeping electric still from burning On Grain

So you just lauter it out once your done saccarifying the mash and crash cooling it into the fermenter? I have a false bottom on my boiler kettle, I just avoided using it because everyone in my other posts was saying that they use grain in and it works great. I find it hard to deal with but will def...
by mendodistilling
Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:44 pm
Forum: Novice Distillers
Topic: Trouble keeping electric still from burning On Grain
Replies: 16
Views: 4228

Trouble keeping electric still from burning On Grain

I am having a little bit of trouble bringing my mash up to temperature to distill on grain without smoke coming out of the still. I've burned some corn and made a big damn mess trying to empty it and get it all cleaned up. Suprisingly the element washed perfectly clean and its ready to go again. I c...
by mendodistilling
Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:16 pm
Forum: Research and Theory
Topic: List of bulk foods locally..ideas? Suggestions? Experiments?
Replies: 4
Views: 2952

Re: List of bulk foods locally..ideas? Suggestions? Experime

Call up Cargill and ask them if they have food grade or animal grade millet and see if they have safe products in processing them, if so, ask for a wholesaler/distributor. Go from there.
by mendodistilling
Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:45 pm
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: First All Grain - Corn and Rye
Replies: 24
Views: 3236

Re: First All Grain - Corn and Rye

I've got a nice stainless steel restaurant mixing paddle and I'm hoping it will work pretty nicely. I'll try that, I also got a water heater insulation jacket to add the the tank. we'll see how it goes this week, im going to do that and start some rum.
by mendodistilling
Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:16 pm
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: First All Grain - Corn and Rye
Replies: 24
Views: 3236

Re: First All Grain - Corn and Rye

I've got a 55 gallon barrel full of 176 degree water and after an hour its down to around 160, its at 163 but ive still got 10 minutes. how long under these temps would you think it would take to fully gelatinize? I've got a water heater on demand I used to heat up the water and I've got some enzyme...
by mendodistilling
Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:25 am
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: Alsace Pain D' Epices questions
Replies: 7
Views: 1193

Re: Alsace Pain D' Epices questions

did you find the masceration time necessary or was it just something that happened that way? i have some friends that make some vodkas and other things with real fruit that they let sit several weeks but I wasnt sure if I should let it sit breifly or let it sit for quite some time. I've got some goo...
by mendodistilling
Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:59 pm
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: Alsace Pain D' Epices questions
Replies: 7
Views: 1193

Re: Alsace Pain D' Epices questions

not miclo, hagmann and meyers i believe, i'll have to check names again. im still in florence for a few more days before i return and will be able to rummage through all my treasures.