Search found 11 matches

by jadohe
Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:50 pm
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

There is multiple ways to handle this. Yes, macerating for a longer time is good. But for a short time and then distilling with herbs & berries in the boiler gives of more complex tastes. But if you can't do that (e.d. electrical element in boiler), macerate for a longer time. Yes, if you do th...
by jadohe
Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:55 pm
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

If you filter the herbs out before distilling, macerate for 7 to 10 days. Then dilute to 30%. Distill slowly. Catch the first 20 mls and see for juniper oils. Throw them out. Collect 700 mls at around 70%. Dilute to 45%, give it 3 days rest. Taste. Give it another 5 weeks rest. Optimal. If you dist...
by jadohe
Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:03 pm
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

It happens that I have an orange and a lemon tree in my garden and therefore they have no wax at all. Oranges and lemons are polished in the farm so that people see them more attractive :crazy: Anny how, itis a very good point! As for my first recipe, I had a go this weekend to my gin recipe. Basic...
by jadohe
Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:46 am
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

It happens that I have an orange and a lemon tree in my garden and therefore they have no wax at all. Oranges and lemons are polished in the farm so that people see them more attractive :crazy: Anny how, itis a very good point! As for my first recipe, I had a go this weekend to my gin recipe. Basicl...
by jadohe
Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:59 am
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

Thanks Odin! Very usefull.
I will follow your advice and get back to you if i come across more question or to give you feedback.

by jadohe
Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:09 am
Forum: Gin
Topic: Violentblue's Steamed Gin
Replies: 11
Views: 3958

Re: Violentblue's Steamed Gin

Thanks violentblue. Wrote this long ago but surely the recipe is worth trying. I will give it a go and let you know the outcome. Will need to use dry berries instead. Thanks
by jadohe
Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:19 am
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

Ok. Perfect! Lets make this topic a lively one! Basicly I come from a large family of gin-tonic maniacs! ... Mainly bombay shapire and befeater funs! lately the also,lie bulldog which is quite expensive around here!! Need to cut down gin costs by a lot, if possible without cutting down the number of...
by jadohe
Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:27 am
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

Thanks Odin,

This is becoming very interesting. For each of your answers I come across more questions :crazy:
In order to avoid boring everyone else, shall I send you an email with what I am trying to reach so that you can give me your thoughts or I rather post it here?


by jadohe
Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:52 pm
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

I am thinking of producing london dry style. I still dont know if i will get better results macerating vs vapor infusing. The initial idea is to macerate the botanics and berries for not longer than 24 hours and then redistile. That is how I come tomthis question of macerating on 95 vs 40-60 abv . O...
by jadohe
Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:30 am
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

Genebra! Or is it Ginebra in Spanish? I wouldn't macerate in 95% alcohol. Some guidelines I can give: - macerate in 60% abv and don't crush the berries (that is, if you plan to distill with herbs/berries in the boiler). Dilute to 30% before running. - macerate in 43% and crush the berries. Distill....
by jadohe
Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:50 am
Forum: Gin
Topic: gin blends
Replies: 155
Views: 63468

Re: gin blends

Thanks to everyone for some very usefull information. I post this from Spain where I am working on my first gin recipe. I will use all the given advice so far. Here are some questions from a novice gin maker to you expert guys :wink: 1 - I have alread built a reflux column and produced refined 95% n...