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Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:40 am
Forum: Mashing and Fermenting
Topic: Cider question/problem
Replies: 9
Views: 1256

Re: Cider question/problem

How would I go about saving the culture if it happens to be something special?
Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:38 am
Forum: Mashing and Fermenting
Topic: Cider question/problem
Replies: 9
Views: 1256

Re: Cider question/problem

It is possible, I capped them with an airlock just to keep nasties out overnight and all had started slowly bubbling the next day so I pitched bakers. Wouldnt the bakers cannibalize the naturals? Its my first try and I dont know nuttin but maybe there were a couple of diffrent strains of wild yeasti...
Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:44 am
Forum: Mashing and Fermenting
Topic: Cider question/problem
Replies: 9
Views: 1256

Re: Cider question/problem

I was gonna combine them for one potstill run but maybe I will let them really clear and finish and do some sampling and run separate, a perfect chance for a science er likker experiment.
Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:49 am
Forum: Mashing and Fermenting
Topic: Cider question/problem
Replies: 9
Views: 1256

Re: Cider question/problem

I guess what my question really was was why one and not the others, did one catch a cold or one apple or pear in the one carboy had something with it? Weird
Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:10 am
Forum: Mashing and Fermenting
Topic: Cider question/problem
Replies: 9
Views: 1256

Cider question/problem

A good friend had a pear tree in his yard that was ( due to no late frost ) way overloaded with pears so I picked about 150 lbs and another friend pitched in with about 100 lbs of apples for cider. I made a quick simple press and using my Ninja whipped up bout 14 gal of pear/apple cider in three car...
Thu May 23, 2013 2:42 pm
Forum: Tried and True Recipes
Topic: Cornflakes whiskey
Replies: 1038
Views: 303795

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

I would make my cuts three or four oz at a time, smell & touch a bit to your tongue, you will be able to taste the difference from the heads for sure although that still prolly smears them pretty good into the hearts, try reading about nuked aging it might help you separate the crap your gonna g...
Wed May 22, 2013 2:14 am
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: My new approach to making a neutral
Replies: 61
Views: 7856

Re: My new approach to making a neutral

I think I was just a little to full to begin with, hence the mess.
Tue May 21, 2013 1:28 pm
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: My new approach to making a neutral
Replies: 61
Views: 7856

Re: My new approach to making a neutral

Thanks for the reply, I was making a polite reference to being " up shytes creek without a paddle " an American thing, kinda means screwed. I never seen one take off that fast, maybe a bit too much water in the carboy, Puked up a nasty brown mess. It has calmed down to a more sedate three ...
Tue May 21, 2013 11:07 am
Forum: Recipe Development
Topic: My new approach to making a neutral
Replies: 61
Views: 7856

Re: My new approach to making a neutral

Odin, I am on my second round with this recipe, really liked how the first came out. Now this is about my 14th ferment so I am no way an expert but I am very suprised by this try, I mixed 12 lbs of sugar in two gal of boiling water let it cool and added 3 Complete multivitamins and some DAP because ...
Sat May 11, 2013 9:53 am
Forum: ** Welcome Center **
Topic: Hello from PA
Replies: 7
Views: 970

Re: Hello from PA

I did try some dark toasted oak chips but did not like the flavors they added, also tried some backyard oak charred with mapp with mixed results, the oak was from a biggie I chopped down a couple of years ago but it was mostly hollow, the others I tried were not that big around and kind of knotty an...
Sat May 11, 2013 7:55 am
Forum: ** Welcome Center **
Topic: Hello from PA
Replies: 7
Views: 970

Re: Hello from PA

I'm working on it, thats why I have four fermentors going, so far between my sons and myself we dont seem to be able to keep enough around.
Tue May 07, 2013 6:23 am
Forum: ** Welcome Center **
Topic: Distilling question
Replies: 14
Views: 3052

Re: Distilling question

Ralph, I think it is very likely that you are running too much cooling water through and are in full reflux mode, making sure your condenser is fully cooled reduce or stop the flow through your reflux. I cant tell from your picture but you should have valves to regulate where and how much coolant is...
Tue May 07, 2013 5:32 am
Forum: ** Welcome Center **
Topic: Hello from PA
Replies: 7
Views: 970

Re: Hello from PA

I bought a 3" two piece column reflux still with copper scrubbies and a 15 gallon kettle, I thought that this would be flexible enough to cover me till I learned more about what I actually want to do. I have run a turbo that came with the rig (yuck) a couple of BW's to get a handle on it and th...
Tue May 07, 2013 4:32 am
Forum: ** Welcome Center **
Topic: Hello from PA
Replies: 7
Views: 970

Hello from PA

I have been reading and reading and re reading for most of a year and pulled the trigger in Feb. I now have a few runs under my belt but I still learn something completely new everyday I sign on here. There cant be enough thanks said for the smart people on this site, so it was time to sign in and s...