Search found 2 matches
- Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:30 pm
- Forum: Novice Distillers
- Topic: running shine twice question
- Replies: 12
- Views: 10241
Re: running shine twice question
Input anyone? So I’m out to make some good stuff. I just ran the dirtiest wash lol. But never the less. I pulled three kick ass jars and a few great feints. Lost one jar cause I started pulling a bit to early didn’t wanna chance it so I tossed the jar. I have 15 gallons of wash clearing anyways. Thi...
- Sat Sep 22, 2018 12:51 pm
- Forum: ** Welcome Center **
- Topic: Hello all. From canada eh.
- Replies: 5
- Views: 296
Hello all. From canada eh.
New to the site. But not my first rodeo with distilling.