Search found 7 matches

by SA noob
Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:29 pm
Forum: Research and Theory
Topic: Clarification of wash before distilling - By Arroyo
Replies: 42
Views: 8154

Re: Clarification of wash before distilling - By Arroyo

Hey guys have a look at this vid and let me know what you think seems to be able to remove all solids very rapidly at a decent flow rate, I understand that it may not be ideal for extracting flavor but my interest lies in neutral spirits for gin and vodka and Im a sucker for building another gadget ...
by SA noob
Wed Jul 22, 2020 7:10 am
Forum: Research and Theory
Topic: Am I heading in the right direction
Replies: 11
Views: 1315

Re: Am I heading in the right direction

@Corsair I honestly cannot believe I didnt think of that haha seems obvious now you mention it. In fact you could come upto heat slowly and take advantage of the CCVM controll to take out the nasty foreshots then chuck a glass of cold water down the top to cool the mix and quickly remove the coil,ca...
by SA noob
Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:19 am
Forum: ** Welcome Center **
Topic: another noob from South Africa
Replies: 4
Views: 431

Re: another noob from South Africa

Right now mate I want to build a knowledge base at the moment I dont even know what I dont know so the more Im reading the more I realize I need to read more haha
by SA noob
Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:44 am
Forum: Research and Theory
Topic: Am I heading in the right direction
Replies: 11
Views: 1315

Re: Am I heading in the right direction

@NZ Chris thats a damn good point silly not to have thought about that Ill have a good read of that thread and find a better option
by SA noob
Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:37 am
Forum: Research and Theory
Topic: Am I heading in the right direction
Replies: 11
Views: 1315

Re: Am I heading in the right direction

Gents thank you all for taking the time to reply its much appreciated @zed255 the more I read the more I like the idea of a ccvm option that fine adjust should make removing the initial nasties a breeze so I will deff be including that in the design but unless Im missing something this would mean co...
by SA noob
Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:35 pm
Forum: Research and Theory
Topic: Am I heading in the right direction
Replies: 11
Views: 1315

Am I heading in the right direction

Hi all I am very new to the game and I have really been enjoying reading the various threads and have been blown away by the amount of information that is freely given away by the experienced guys, at the moment Im busy doing research as to what type of still I should tackle as my first build now I ...
by SA noob
Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:24 pm
Forum: ** Welcome Center **
Topic: another noob from South Africa
Replies: 4
Views: 431

another noob from South Africa

Hi guys I have been reading and watching (some not so great it seems) videos for a while and Id like to delve in a bit farther and ask a few questions before I commit to a still build, I have a pretty extensive machine shop in the garage so alot of the build processes shouldnt present too many chall...