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by malkor
Mon May 30, 2022 11:21 pm
Forum: Gin
Topic: Arto's Gin Recipe V3
Replies: 77
Views: 25424

Re: Arto's Gin Recipe V3

Hi Arto,

very nice receipe, I am willing to try it, however it seems pretty difficult to find Lindentree Blossom around here.

Would you suggest any substitute for this?

Also, if I don't want to grind it, how long should I let it macerate? the usual 20-24h at 63%??

by malkor
Mon May 30, 2022 6:40 am
Forum: ** Welcome Center **
Topic: Hello Distilling!
Replies: 1
Views: 172

Hello Distilling!

Hello Everyone!

I have been reading and drinking information from this forum for a while now, I am newbe in Gin and Grappa destillation. Now the more I read the more questions I have.

I hope I can contribute to this forum somehow!