My goal is to have a modular system I can use as both a reflux column and a pot still, and will break down into storable pieces. After multiple changes, adjustments, drawings, consideration, and pricing, I have settled on a modular CCVM electric setup. I have built several electric setups for beer and sous-vide, so wiring a controller should not be a problem. I am attaching a drawing with notes on the still I am planning to build. It is modeled after Dad300 and HoundDog’s designs. I am aware of Dad300’s statement that a 2” version of this still is not as linear as the 3” version. I also understand that I will have a learning curve with both distilling in general and this design in particular.
I am in town and so am stuck in my basement. The hard distance from the floor to ceiling in the area where there is a 240v plug is 102.5 inches. I would like to put a bottom drain in the keg/boiler, so the total height of the still will be about 93 inches. This will leave me about 10” of room to adjust the reflux condenser. I am still debating between copper mesh and lava rock as packing. I am planning to do Birdwatcher’s Sugar Wash and Uncle Jesse’s Simple Sour Mash as my first/training recipes.
My questions are simple:
- Do I have any glaring errors in this design?
Any thoughts/suggestions/input?