Maple Syrup Rum

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Re: Maple Syrup Rum

Post by Hillbillymike »

Did any one try this recipe with the tapped maple sap vs the syrup? Would love to know if that worked.
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Re: Maple Syrup Rum


Not this recipe but I use actual syrup to make a "rum". I'll call it rum for the sake a of a name.

I take 5 gallons of syrup, add 10 lbs of sugar and 20 gallons of hot/warm water. Ferment and run. It turns out great. Next step is to age in a barrel for a while. I am able to get 5 gallons of syrup for about $250, which is fairly cheap in syrup prices. By far my most expensive liquor though.
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Re: Maple Syrup Rum

Post by Saltbush Bill »

LWTCS wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:03 pm I would call it Steve,,,,,,or maple likker.
Rum is cane.
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Re: Maple Syrup Rum

Post by TDick »

IMALOSERSCUMBAG wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:43 am
I take 5 gallons of syrup, add 10 lbs of sugar and 20 gallons of hot/warm water.
Curious. Have you compared white sugar and light or dark brown sugar?
Would the dark brown bring TOO MUCH molasses taste to Steve's party?
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Re: Maple Syrup Rum


I haven't used brown sugar. Brown sugar is white sugar with molasses so I don't think it would do much. Considering the ratio of sugar to sap I wouldn't think it would matter brown or white. The sugar is to help get a bit more alcohol and I count on flavor from the sap.

I do have 2 gallons of sap that I plan on adding to 5 gallons of molasses as a little test.
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Re: Maple Syrup Rum

Post by Evil_Dark »

Super interesting idea, but on the expensive side... May result in a fancy "deluxe" spirit! I have to try it out, as the Maple Syrup on my region of canada is very abundant and (relatively) cheap.
I may try it on a smaller scale with a pot still mode (my litle airstill is kinda appropriate for receipe development) to try different things. The goal would be the maximum maple syrup taste transfering into the spirit.
I would try the white sugar instead of the brown for less aftertaste introduction, with a minimum of yeast nutriments added.

Here is the plan:
Will try with 1.5L (1/2 gal) dark maple syrup;
smallest amount possible of fancy table molasse, roughly 50-100ml
Baker's yeast
a super little amount of DAP
0.5Kg (1lbs) White sugar (will adjust slowly to have 1.070 Grav)
2L Water
Will see the PH result for this, may adjust it with lemon juice to get 5.2

See how the fermentation goes out, then will run it slowly on the air still, maybe twice.
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Re: Maple Syrup Rum

Post by A-z farmer »

I have used your recipe for the last 5 years randy and it is very nice drop.
This year I am going to use enough maple syrup to fill a 5 gallon barrel which I think will be about 12 gallons of maple syrup.I have found that the late season syrup carry’s over more flavor to the finished product.Some might think that it is expensive but we have maple trees and it is all about the journey from farm to table .
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Re: Maple Syrup Rum

Post by Evil_Dark »

I just realised after testing that using maple syrup in the ferment in addition of molasses doesn't worth it, the molasses tastes takes over everything else. In the OP recipe the addition of 1 cup of maple syrup at the end for the flavors gives the touch. He use a column which strips much of the maple flavor that may have been carried over the fermentation...
It's not bad, just makes the ferment costy.

Here in quebec we have now the ACERUM, it's a controlled appelation (like scotch) for a spirit that was made from maple syrup only.
The maple syrup is diluted to 1.085 with water in order to make yeast happy. They pitch and wait until is done. Distilled like whisky.
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