G'Day All
Thanks for the great info Hook
I am trying my first ever rum, I am going to to give this one a crack, This is what i have done so far, I clarified 7ltr's of BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES With 14ltrs' of water last night, Let it settle over night, Morning i had approx 28ltr's of MOLASSES/WATER MIX how does that work?

I ended up putting 25ltr's of clarified MOLASSES/WATER mix in the fermanter, I then mixed up 6kg of raw sugar with 11.7ltr's of hot water and mixed it well and added it to my fermenter, This took the fermenter up to the 41ltr mark, I then added 19ltr's of cold water, 2 tea spoons of DAP, When it cooled down to 30deg i added 150 grams of LOWAN RED Premium Bakers Yeast, This took my fermenter up to the 60ltr mark, HOW AM I GOING
As i said i have never done RUM before, The CLARIFYING of the MOLASSES didn't seem to do to much [or maybe it did]
It looked pretty much the same this morning as it did last night when i mixed the water and molasses together, I guess i must have done some thing wrong
Cheers: Dolikeadrink