Thank you so very much for this recipe and detailed walkthrough. First product i made i can actually say i really like! Not particularly a rum fan and been at it for over 5 years trying a variety of recipes... was kinda losing hope trying it but this stuff tastes amazing
last post on HD goes back to 2013... sry for not keeping with you guys for so long
So i had a few copper pipes laying around and time ahead of me. Decided to start new build and why not try a new recipe to shake things up. The design is a simple still, pretty much like the HD logo, with a 4' x 2'' column mounted on my 6 gal boiler with a 12'' 1/4'' coil with 1/2"" cold finger. The build is a thing of beauty and i must say im pretty proud of myself. Much easier to run than the bok tho it doesnt offer the option of reflux, apart from adding packing in the column, which i didnt do this time around, might try in the futur spirit runs to try and fine tune things.
i do 2 small batches in 5 gal buckets. Scaled and followed the recipe to the t exept a few things: didnt really made a yeast bomb as i mixed and heated to around 180 all in one go. Also replaced vit b, epsom salt and 20-0-0 with a multi-vitamine, a few drops of 10-15-10 and a table spoon of marmite (stumbled upon it at a new grocery store i went to, only heard of it before here in hd and didnt kno we had this up here, seems quite effective). Both started at around 1.09 and ended a little under 1.01 (or should i say i ended both... they slowed down alot after around 3 days and were pretty much stalled when distilled at 7 and 6 days respectivly, maybe couldve used a few more days... i gotta work on my patience. also didnt clear the molasse nor did i transfert to secondary to settle, so maybe couldve helped). Both strips gave around 4L avg 60% each - started dripping at 85, tossed about 200 mil of fores and started collecting at around 76 down to 10%. Racked 8 L of cleared cooled backset from the 2nd stripping run, tossed in the 8L of low wines bringing everything back to 30% and do the spirit. Collected a litlle less than 5L in the spirit run including the rum oils. Final heart cuts were from 72% thru 52% giving a little over 2L of 65%. 1L is currently aging on pugi's rum flavoring recipe (2 weeks in and its amazing) and the other is aging on JackDaniel's barrel smoking oak chips (gives a very nice color, flavor is not bad alone but mixed with the pugi's rum its gives a interesting complexity... both are still young so very promising assemblage potential). Gives a very tasty rum, nothing to do with bacadi (that shit is foul! ive had a bottle laying around for a few years now, never really tasted it alone so i gave it a try for comparison

heres a few things i think i finally figured outwith this recipe and will def try to apply while revisiting others :
- running deeper in the tails on stripping runs:
i used to stop collecting at around 40... hard to say really as i never used the parrot in stripping runs. only went by feel and stopped when it wouldnt light up in a spoon... sometimes went deeper when smell and/or taste was promising but not by much. I think this is key to strip any recipe, weither you plan on collecting rum oils on subsquent runs or try to do assemblage with specific tails cuts or not. I think collecting larger amounts of tails kinda eases the transition from hearts to tails in the spirit run and helps detect smaller hints of tails when making cuts. For example, in my previous runs the temp would go up and alc % go down in a drastic way at around the same temp in the spirit run as in the stripping runs used in it while i didnt hit that kind of wall during this last spirit run. cuts were def easier to make and i believe the end product is improved because of this tho its takes more time.
-use of backset in spirit run:
first few times i used backet in the spirit run didnt turn out great for some reason so i stopped doing it and only used water to dilute back to 30%. It kinda made sense in my mind since most of the times i wanted either a neutral or get rid of a weird off taste that was pretty much always there by refluxing and outputting highest % with the bok. Now with this recipe i realize this off taste is kinda still there, but so well surrounded that its almost not noticeable and even plesant. kinda like i was isolating this specific flavor in previous batches by only cutting with water. So i guess its always advisable to use some % of backset, nomatter the recipe? inversibly, is it ill advised or commonly known not to use only water to dilute back in the spirit? dont remember reading any specifics about this and cant believe ive been beating around the bush on this for so long...
-and of course those rum oils, which i have collected but yet to experience their effects since this was my fisrt go at this recipe.
so again thanks for the recipe. I started a second batch yesterday using backset and lees saved from the previous batches. This time the molasse and brown sugar were thinned and the wash will be racked before distilling, hoping to have a more complete ferment this time around. Think ill skip the packing in the column this time around too.
I'll try to keep you guys up to date sometimes before 2023 i promise
''When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'' - Hunter S. Thompson