I bought an 8 gal bucket and put 2 spigots in it; one at the bottom and one in the middle. I sanitized the whole thing and did a stripping run of SBB all molasses rum on 1/27. I got about 3 gal of dunder.
After reading a ton of threads on what other people added to their pit, I decided to go with a banana and yogurt. I put about 1/4 cup of whole milk, live active culture yogurt, I threw in the banana peel and chunked the banana in 3-4 pieces and threw that in. I put a bag of shells in for PH. The PH is between 5-6 (it's hard to tell with the dunder being so dark).
After reading a bit more I decided to slice up a potato too and threw that in the next day.
I have it sitting next to my wood stove (I have no idea where I'm gonna put it if it gets too stinky

Yesterday I noticed a spot of mold forming on the top and was all excited!! BUT, now I'm wondering if it's because the banana is floating and air is touching it so it molded (no different than sitting on a counter and molding). I don't think that's the kind of mold I want-right?
Should I take out the floating bananas? Here's a pic, sorry the mold thing is so small.