proof change??

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golden pond
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proof change??

Post by golden pond »

When you put whiskey in a new charred oak barrel to age it, will the proof change any or will it stay the same proof it was made at??

Proof Change

Post by DBM »

Golden Pond;
The proof will stay the same. But, I'm bad about wondering how a barrel is doing, so when it gets to where I cant wait any longer, i git me a sample, then i fill up the empty space caused by me and the angels with spring water and reseal it. I usually scribble the proof on the front of a barrel when I put it up, usually somewhere between 120 to 130 proof, and even with me topping it off with water ounce in a while the proof does'nt change much.
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Don't worry

Post by LeftLaneCruiser »

In theory the proof will lower a bit; as the barrel is porous and the alcohol evaporates. The wellknown "angels-share".

But that will be a very little amount, only to be noticed after aging for a lot of years. So for our hobby, with its typical small volumes and short aging times you can say that the proof will be the same after aging as when you put it in the barrel.

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Same question different topic. I recently aged some brandy on raisins and when I double checked the abv before cutting back to street legal the abv had dropped 20 points. Isthis because of the increased SG from the sugar in the raisins? This is what I beleave, for it still has a good kick. Just wondered it I am correct.
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Post by Guest »

I don't know for sure, but I would imagine. I don't think that they have enough juice in them to take it down that far. It probably is cause of the sugars in them. I know mine ends up tastin pretty sweet, but still kicks me in the butt like a 120 proof should.
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Post by linw »

Sounds like it must be the extra sugar and raisiny bits making the liquid more dense thus causing the hydrometer to float higher.
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Post by Pieterpost »

if there is any sugar present then you can't use the alcoholmeter for a reliable reading ! And raisins have quite a lot of sugar in them !
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Post by Rocky_Creek »

If you are in Scotland the proof will fall because of the humid air, if you are in Kentucky the proof will rise from the hot dry air. People apparently don't read anything except these boards.
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Proof drop

Post by DBM »

That's too much drop. If the end result was too your liking i would do it again and be extra carefull when measuring the proof both times. The culprit is most likely temp or air bubbles.

Post by Guest »

Rocky_Creek wrote:If you are in Scotland the proof will fall because of the humid air, if you are in Kentucky the proof will rise from the hot dry air. People apparently don't read anything except these boards.
What fokes you refering to rocky? Tater [still cant get logged on]
golden pond
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Post by golden pond »

Well about the proof change agin. Over the weekend I kept eyeing two 3 gal. kegs I filled 10/10/05 with 110 proof , got one down and drawed a 1/2 pint off and tested with the same alcoholmeter and it had dropped down to 101 proof. I poured a full liter back in and it liked a tad of filling it to the top. The half pint had taken on a really nice color and flavor.
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Post by Tater »

If your using small wooden kegs to age in . You can get a lot of evaperation I slowed this down with mine by rubbing bees wax over keg and heating it with a propane tourch to heat the wood and soak in the wax.Ive got some rye Ive been aging around 2 years. Doing this cut my evaperaion loss from a few ounces a month to 1/2 pint a year.On a small 1 gallon wood keg that a lot of saving.Cant tell any differance in taste at all other then getting smoother as times gos by On some bleanded wiskey I aged this year in a ss 1/4 keg with a loose fitting wood stopper . Stored in a metal shed for 10 months shook every time I thought about it.lossed a 1/2 gallon due to evaperation and dropped from 150 proof to 130 proof.It got a very smooth taste as well if ya like grain likker.
I use a pot still.Sometimes with a thumper
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Re: proof change??

Post by ricrellim »

Just yesterday I added a little sugar to a 110p spirit. I was then going to cut it to 80P but my alcometer said it was 5%. It didn't take me long to realize I screwed the pooch :thumbdown: and I just had to water to taste that point.
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Re: proof change??

Post by Braz »

ricrellim wrote:Just yesterday I added a little sugar to a 110p spirit. I was then going to cut it to 80P but my alcometer said it was 5%. It didn't take me long to realize I screwed the pooch :thumbdown: and I just had to water to taste that point.
You could have used the dilution calculator on the parent site to tell you how much water to add to get to your target 80 proof.
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Re: proof change??

Post by ricrellim »

You could have used the dilution calculator on the parent site to tell you how much water to add to get to your target 80 proof.

If only I had a cylinder with precise measurements. My mason jar is only marked every 100 ml. I do need to take advantage of the many fine calculators the parent site offers. I have been thinking of buying some nice graduated cylinders now that I am beyond just making crappy moonshine.
goose eye
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Re: proof change??

Post by goose eye »

kill the bead an you there. make sure you set some to the side if you want it back.
is all moonshine crappy or just yours.

so im tole
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