NASCAR and 'Shine

The long and storied history of distilled spirits.

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NASCAR and 'Shine

Post by crackher »

OK I have heard a bit regarding the relationship betweent he two, but can someone explain it a little better startin from the top?
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Post by decoy »

there was a show on automaniacs about the subject..

basicly the moonshiners worked there own cars to be faster then the law

then after a while and a few drinks ther was a bit a fueding over whos dick was biger and car was faster so they started to race each other..

anyway after som time they started geting large audiences..

started racing a track and showing of there cars...

and it became nascar...

americas favorite raceing sport is based on rednecks in there hoted up cars and lots of Drinking...
level Joe
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Post by level Joe »

:lol: Sounds like an american stereotype.
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decoy wrote: americas favorite raceing sport is based on rednecks in there hoted up cars and lots of Drinking...
Thank God for that. I think everybody on this board has some level of redneck in 'em. Your still aloud to take in a personal cooler filled with adult beverages. So long as it fits under your seat, last time I went to one I hauled in 18 cans.
If you've never been to a NECKCAR, I mean NASCAR, race you should go. It's a real good time, especially if you camp at the track for the whole weekend.
If it was easy everybody would do it.

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Hillbilly Rebel
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Post by Hillbilly Rebel »

I think that Dawsonville, Ga. claims to be where NASCAR started. If you wander by there about the last of October, you can get in on their Moonshine Festival. Might want to stop by the Dawsonville Pool Hall and see all the old newspaper clippings about the start of NASCAR and its early days mounted on the wall. "Running 'shine on Highway Number 9".
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:50 am

Post by stil_chillin »

will add to my list of vacation destinations!!! :lol:
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