I got some glassware from school they were throwing away. I was thinking of using it as a reflux still...if it's possible.
here are pics of the glassware.
http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c388/ ... ware/?sc=6" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
glass labware
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well, it seems as u got a nice condensor, and maybe a column? im sure it could be used in a still somehow..
one of the teachers at my school has used the schools destillation apparatus to make spirits before...
its a continous setup, all glass except heater...
looks like the mash goes through the condensor to cool before it enters boiler. probably really nice...maybe i could buy it if the school is getting rid of it, if that teachers does do it before me..
one of the teachers at my school has used the schools destillation apparatus to make spirits before...
its a continous setup, all glass except heater...
looks like the mash goes through the condensor to cool before it enters boiler. probably really nice...maybe i could buy it if the school is getting rid of it, if that teachers does do it before me..
yeah...i'm going to wash it out with some pool cleaning "muriatic acid" then about 100 gallons of water...then sanitize it. I'm very curious about the other piece. I was thinking of packing it with scrubbers and mounting my digital point thermometer through the top hold through a pinhole in a cork that would fit over the nipple. Using the glass tubing to connect the condenser to the side outlet at the top of the reflux column.
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