Amazing Still? anyone heard of it?

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Amazing Still? anyone heard of it?

Post by uisgdlyast »

I've been interested in home destillation for awhile now but due to a few roadblocks it never happened. While researching one day I came across the Amazing Still and it seems like it would be equal to a pot still and seems to be perfect for my situation.
I'm just wondering what other peoples comments on it are?
Would it be possible to get more than the 55% they say after a few runs?" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

Uncle Jesse
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Post by Uncle Jesse »

i'm sure it will work, but i question the extent to which you'll be amazed by the end product.
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Post by AfricaUnite »

I have one and use it, its convienient in that I use it to strip mash before putting it in my reflux still. Its too much of a hassle for me to strip 28litres of mash in my reflux still. Its much easier to strip (in 10L batches) mash then put the resulting product in my reflux still. I wouldnt drink the amazing still product, but filtered properly im sure it would be fine. For my purposes its great, I get about 1L a day production from it. So once a month I can strip 28L of approx 40% ABV and end up with a ton of 90% likker.
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Post by TCNZ »

Don't use it unless you want to be killed by electricty you don't know when.

Please refer to my new posting AMAZING STILL CAN KILL (in writing).

To AfricaUnite: you may consider to use freeze-thaw method. It is so easy and convinient to result litres of 40% ABV overnight.
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