Don Ventura asked in the Recipe topic, Uncle Remus "Gin" post :
BTW - Is that an ABV/hydrometer setup at the end of that head befor the bottle? Do you have plans and details on that if it is?
I made such a setup, here is a draw of it, picture will folow...
I'm french speaking!
Boiler : 50 L (13 gal) beer keg, gas heated.
Reflux : 104 cm (41 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter withh SS scrubbers packing.
Potstill : 40 cm (15 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter without packing.
Note that the short tube I called "pressure release" is necessary. Without that, pressure comin' from the boiler trough the column, then trough the condenser is blocked by the alcohol in the U syphon and alcohometer may be projected in the air like a rocket! I happened to me, because I had a direct link to condenser, with no way for pressure exhaust !
I'm french speaking!
Boiler : 50 L (13 gal) beer keg, gas heated.
Reflux : 104 cm (41 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter withh SS scrubbers packing.
Potstill : 40 cm (15 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter without packing.
Okay that works - I might try and get the parts for that later this week.
A Few Questions Though:
Doesn't that hold A LOT of spirit from the run off???
Are you attaching it after you collect you foreshots?
Does it effect your head/middle cuts/tails with that much volume trapped in the hydrometer float?
How does the run off get through to the collection tube? Overflow from the thermometer tube?
I connect this setup after the foreshots (50 - 100 ml) are collected.
The setup holds ± 120 ml spirit, but at the end of the process, so it's the last tails that are inside and I throw them away.
Concerning the cuts, I find that easier with this setup... I think the different densities of different proof products prevent to mix them in the tube and alcohometer floating seems to be regular.
I use a reflux or pot still so I connect the setup at the condensor's output.
I don't knoww how to do with a fractionnating still...
I'm french speaking!
Boiler : 50 L (13 gal) beer keg, gas heated.
Reflux : 104 cm (41 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter withh SS scrubbers packing.
Potstill : 40 cm (15 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter without packing.
Thanks for posting that pic Bujapat. Funny, I was going to IM you about the same thing! Good job with the pressure release, I probably would have overlooked that.
Did you make it all yourself? How did you find the brazing/soldering of the copper pipes to each other, easy or difficult? Did you have any experience doing it? I am wondering whether I should invest in a small torch and try it or just pay someone to do it for me. Thanks.
Never brazed nor soldered before building my still! No experience in that domain anyway, but I know how to use my hands! (made my house by myself...)
I had a small butane/propane torch that I used to remove old paint on wood doors and frames...
It works well for Sn/Ag solder that I use to braze copper (with appropriate fluid). I learned that on the net (french site about plumbery).
It isn't very difficult to make something without seals... But a little practice is necessary to get a "nice looking" result!
My new pot still is allmost achieved now, and solders look much more pretty than tose on my first reflux still!
For special soldering like copper/stainless, I go to a workshop in the neighbour, the man there works well and cheap, but not fast!
I'm french speaking!
Boiler : 50 L (13 gal) beer keg, gas heated.
Reflux : 104 cm (41 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter withh SS scrubbers packing.
Potstill : 40 cm (15 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter without packing.
Think I could use regular 1/4od tube for the U and them connect it to the larger 22mm tube that houses the alcoholmeter? Would there be enough liquid to float the gauge? It just seems like with all that larger diameter tube, you will be holding a lot oof distalate that does not transfer out.
I know you say the density of the proof pushes the older stuff out durring the run, but I'm sure that some will always be left behind, mixing with the new. - I guess it's not that important though.
I still dont understand the liquid path through the pipes.
Would it be like this - with the liquid coming out the top of the meter?
It works like a syphon : spirit overflows out the 22 mm pipe and run down in the 34 mm tee that works as a funnel (the reduction 34-22 is soldered to both the 22 pipe and the 34 tee, so it doesn't leak).
Your draft seems right, water overflows at the top of 22 mm pipe.
I have absolutely no problem with this, even if I lose a little of the final spirit output. Precison is good too, even good as you collect 250 ml by 250 ml, because in that case too, different proof spirits are mixed in each part collected.
The volume of the setup (spirit stayin' when finished) is 120 ml without the alcometer in it and 100 ml with the alcohometer in it.
Finally, I must say it's very easier to supervise a run with that than collect 250 by 250 ml to check the proof!
I'm french speaking!
Boiler : 50 L (13 gal) beer keg, gas heated.
Reflux : 104 cm (41 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter withh SS scrubbers packing.
Potstill : 40 cm (15 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter without packing.
A last word I forgotted to write : pay attention to the lenght of 22 mm tube : it has to be as long as your alcohometer!
I'm french speaking!
Boiler : 50 L (13 gal) beer keg, gas heated.
Reflux : 104 cm (41 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter withh SS scrubbers packing.
Potstill : 40 cm (15 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter without packing.
It's simply connected with a female pipe that is inserted in the condenser's output. It's sealed with floor paste.
I'm french speaking!
Boiler : 50 L (13 gal) beer keg, gas heated.
Reflux : 104 cm (41 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter withh SS scrubbers packing.
Potstill : 40 cm (15 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter without packing.
Thank you Bujapat. I've built your measuring device, but I don't want to attatch it permanently to my pot still. I want to be able to move it from still to still. I'll try your solution.
So the distillate just drips into the input on the eprouvette rather than being connected in any way. Of course then you'd have to have something else to hold up the eprouvette.
Boiler : 50 L (13 gal) beer keg, gas heated.
Reflux : 104 cm (41 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter withh SS scrubbers packing.
Potstill : 40 cm (15 inches) column 54 mm (2 inches) diameter without packing.
That's not mine if that's what you mean. I just found the pic on the wiki. I'm making one right now that is pretty much an exact copy of yours Bujapat.
I don't get it.... heheh that pipe that holds the Alchometor does the distalit over fill out the top?
im' confused as to
the achometor sits in the center pipe. so does the liquide over full out the center pipe into the larger outer pipe?
wouldn't it be better to drip the distillate into a funnel then run it into the parrots beak, there by eliminating the need for the pressure release and also making tasting samples before the measure possible (so as to change the container before any tail contamination occurs, although the meter will tell you this, taste is always better)?
Whiskey, the most popular of the cold cures that don't work (Leonard Rossiter)