The goal is to have a 50 liters vat with filtering purpose, grain rincing purpose, insulated to keep 60-65°C for an hour or two...
Here's a little report !
A bear (EDIT : beer, not bear

Finished :

The filter is made with an SS braided water conduit (3/4" diameter, 80 cm long) of which the inner rubber tube is removed.
To remove this rubber tube implicates to cut the ends and to replace the fittings that hold the braided SS thread in place. I did that with pieces of 2 copper tube one inside (15 mm) and one outside (19 mm). All the fitting is brazed with SnAG whith a special SS/Cu fluid.

After cutting the threads and soldering :

With a copper T , without soldering to allow cleaning :

Next step is to make the "shower"...
One meter of 15 mm copper tube, re-heated, the formed in a circle. You see on the pic the wood model for bending the tube. Little 1,5 mm holes were drilled, in 2 rows : one hrizontal (to spray the center of keg) and the other a little oblique (to spray around the keg). I drilled a hole every 3cm in each row.
Bending the tube :

First test :

In the keg :

Tubes are passing trough the keg with 15 mm / 1/2" fittings, one on each side of wall, with Teflon joints.

View of the all thing assembled :

Now, soldering of intput and output tubes :

Insulation with PU cutted plate...

I complete insulation with PU foam : That's terrific !!!

And after cutting and (light) sanding :

I still have to :
- make a wood covering,
- put 2 valves,
- make a motorised mixer,
- make a boiler to heat the water...
To be continued ...