I have a 5 to 6 gallon stainless turkey fryer pot with lid. Any recommendations on what size copper tubing to use? Also what should the dimensions be?(Height of tube before the 90)
If you can get a short piece of 1 1/2 or 2 inch copper,it will work much better.It will allow you to use some packing to clean up the booze some.
It doesnt have to be very tall,and you can reduce it down at the top.
wineo my potstill is 2" coming of the cap then directly into a 2" elbow with a 2" cap with a 3/4" out of the cap to a 42"x1/2" liebig. would you say that a coupla scrubbers would make a noticeable difference in the final product? i use tails in the wash and get about 75% abv for the majority of the run. just looking for an opinion.
It seems to clean it up a little.Mine is 2 inch,8 inches tall,and reduces down to 1 inch for another 8 inches,then reduces to 3/4 with a tee,then a 45 degree angle downward into a 30 inch leibeg condencer.I usually run 1 scrubber,and 3 on a neutral wash,and I also run a piece of scrubber inside the condencer.