The secret of Slavs - NALEWKA

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The secret of Slavs - NALEWKA

Post by heksa »

Are you wondering what the nalewka is?? Find it out here:" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Read why nalewka is so good and popular in Europe here: ... ade-vodka/" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Nalewka is the main reason I build reflux column and I am after neutral spirits. There is hundreds recipes of nalewka's - some of them a thousand years old. Let me give you an example:

Cranberry nalewka
You will need:
a/ 0.5l (500ml , 2 cups) 93-95% spirit
b/ 0.5l clear vodka
c/ 2 cups of sugar
d/ 4 cups of cranberry

What to do:
Rinse cranberry's , drain and dry using paper towel
Put them into the freezer for minimum 24 hours
Defrost and grind (I am using meat grinder)
Put it in 0.5 l of vodka for 2 weeks
Strain and filter (I am using coffee filters) , add 2 cups of sugar and stir until disolved
(you can heat it , but do NOT boil)
Add 0.5 l of spirit ,stir and put it in glass jar.
Put the jar in dark place for 5-6 months (yes..I know...)
..and how it looks after 6 months:

If you are interested I can point you to the 100's of recipes
cranberry nalewka.jpg
cranberry nalewka.jpg (5.46 KiB) Viewed 3996 times
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Re: The secret of Slavs - NALEWKA

Post by Aidas »

heksa wrote:Are you wondering what the nalewka is??
Actually, no, I wasn't wondering. ;)

If it was a secret, it's been out a long time, longer than the slavs have been distilling.

This is a simple maceration, and can be done on pretty much anything.


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Re: The secret of Slavs - NALEWKA

Post by heksa »

There is much more than simple maceration :) (you will not call the work of fine artist ..applying paint to the surface ...
...I guess :D )
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Re: The secret of Slavs - NALEWKA

Post by Dnderhead »

I v never tried cranberries but other fruit there's no need to grind just freeze thaw put in "vodka" for a couple of weeks they will turn "white" -
much easier to strain
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Re: The secret of Slavs - NALEWKA

Post by theholymackerel »

heksa wrote:There is much more than simple maceration
Well, no... it is just a simple maceration, but I did enjoy the links ya posted. Thankyou.
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Re: The secret of Slavs - NALEWKA

Post by heksa »

"Maceration (wine), in viticulture, the steeping of grape skins and solids in must, where alcohol later acts as a solvent to extract colour, tannin and aroma from the skins during the wine fermentation process."
"Maceration, in chemistry and herbalism, the preparation of an extract by soaking material (such as animal skins or parts of fibrous plants) in water, vegetable oil or some organic solvent.")
I am new to the distillation ,but I have over 35 years of making nalewka's under my belt and with all the respect to your knowledge... there is much more in making nalewka's then simple maceration. It is (maceration) first step only
(and is fundamental) Some nalewka's required 4 or 5 steps including (but not limited to) boiling ,freezing, sunbathing, aging ,mixing etc. (it is like blending whiskey if I my say that)...but it is my 2 cents only :) :)
Best :D
Here is another link :" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow (required translation)
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