Cream base packs or fresh cream

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Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by Grid »

I am newish to distilling (about 20 different types under my belt now)and have been using the cream base packs from my local brewshop when making cream base spirits/liqueurs. ... QUEUR+BASE" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

Every different type of spirit/liqueur that i have done has had a bland after taste,this has also been tasted after 1 month of storage.
Has anyone done this packs and had the same taste and if so how did you fix the taste?
Also can i use fresh cream instead of these packs?
I realise the fresh cream may not last as long in storage but i dont think it will be in storage that long.

Thanks for the relpys in advance.
All keep up the great work and post....i love coming back here and reading and learning more about distilling,
You guys have helped me out with some small problems in the past and look forward to anyone's comments.

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Re: Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by Dnderhead »

try this---its good--Baileys/Punkins Muck// it is in tried and true recipes
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Re: Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by lawnman 2 »

Dnderhead wrote:try this---its good--Baileys/Punkins Muck// it is in treied and true recipes
here here ive have made some as simular recipie not on the exact line but very simuluar.
try maeking a still spirits whiskey and googleing home made bailieys thats what i did it taste shit hot i love it it thick creamy and dam cheap to make.
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Re: Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by sir.richard »

I have used them successfully.

Be sure you mix it with 40% alcohol very well. I use a whisk. Then add any essences.

I am guessing that the dry taste you notice is powdered milk or similar in the cream base.

You can definitely use fresh cream and normal sugar.

If you read the back of the essence bottles (I checked on Cappucino), it says add the base mix, or alternatively add 200mls of sugar and 500mls of cream.

When I asked about this at the store, the guy said it would last ~3 weeks or so with real cream. (Keeping in mind the final product is ~24%).

This compares to a few months if you use the cream base powder, which I am guessing (perhaps incorrectly!) is just made from powdered milk and sugar...and perhaps something to act as a thickener.

I have not tried using real cream. I assume it would be a little smoother. The guy at the shop said although it may be slightly nicer, he didnt feel it was worth the extra hassle, so tended to use the powder instead.

That being said, I should whip up a batch of Caranilla or Cappucino with real cream to see how it is!
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Re: Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by Grid »

Hi all,
Sorry it has been so long since i have been back to the site(been very busy).
A friend of mine that used to work as a barman suggested i try UHT cream,as the taste of the essence and alcohol should over take the UHT taste.So i tryied it........and it is great.Here in oz they sell them off the shelf in about 250ml pack(need 2 for most essence)and they are about $2 each.Being UHT (Ultra High Temperature)they last in the fridge for a long time(maybe a couple of months).
I have just done a Pinacolada with the UHT cream and it taste as good as normal fresh cream.Next i will do a banana cream.

If your doing a cream base spirit give it a go.What have you got to loose.

Thank you to all that have passed on there help and there knowledge.

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Re: Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by bronzdragon »

I know you solved your problem...but as a side note, anything mixed with fresh cream should be kept refrigerated and used within a short period of time. Real cream is not meant to be stored, even in liquor, for a month. I'm surprised it didn't go sour on you.

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Re: Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by Grid »

Thanks for the note bronzdragon.I don't think it will last that long anyway(as my wife keeps drinking it) :x :lol: .
But i forgot to add that ,yes refrigerate after making.
I dont know if UHT cream is a dairy based product.perhaps other members could educate me with this question.

okay i think i might have found the answer(correct me if i am wrong).

UHT = Ultra High Temperature

It's a common alternative to pasteurization. Cream is heated to....I think 135 degrees celsius for a few seconds. Pasteurization is I think 60 degrees celcius for something like 20 minutes. UHT cream is great because it doesnt need to be refridgerated until it is opened.

But with that said i will and always do refrigerate any cream based spirits.
Thanks again bronzdragon for your help.

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Re: Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by punkin »

Uht won't keep in the fridge any longer than any other cream once opened.

Uht should be refridgerated till cold before opening and using.

That's what it say's on the pack anyway...spose they know what they're talking about...
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Re: Cream base packs or fresh cream

Post by Rod »

I make an irish creme with coffee whitener

I think the creme base you buy from the brew shop is made with whitener

keep it in the fridge

Irish crème with coffee whitener

One bottle of Irish creme essence
175 grams sugar
225 grams coffee whitener
500 mls 40% spirit
250 mls hot water

Dissolve the coffee whitener in the hot water
Zap with a blender if you get lumps
Add the sugar and dissolve
Add the spirit
Add the Irish crème essence

Keep in the fridge
The Friendly Spirit
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