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Post by mroe »

So......... some sites are saying all you have to do is mix some sugar and water, add turbo yeast and when done, distil it. Then add the "flavor" you want. Then there are other sites that say, you need you use a recipe. Like to use corn to make Whiskey, you ned to use corn, then there's Rum you need to use sorgum, to make gin you need to add juniper berrys, etc. So what's the true deal here? Plain old "moonshine" is just like "Everclear" right. Or am I way off base? Flavor, no flavor, what's the deal?
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Re: Confusing

Post by Dnderhead »

Depends if you want good flavored drink or just some "swill". sugar wash does not make anything but ethanol . the flavors of grain, fruit, molasses
etc makes the real flavor. that and proper technique / ageing. do you want a "cool aid" type of product or the real stuff? do a google you will see
what each is made of. to long of list for hear.
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Re: Confusing

Post by mroe »

Okay, so if I use corn and barley, I'm making a "whiskey" flavored hooch, If I use molasses and sugar, I'm making Rum. Right? So why do they sell the flavor additives? I want to make, Whiskey, Rum and Gin. So I guess I can make the first two with the above stuff, but when making Gin, I've heard all you have to do is add the crushed Juniper berries in the reflux and you've got gin. Does that sound about right?
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Re: Confusing

Post by Dnderhead »

you have the basics, gin is juniper and other spices, bourbon is at least 51% corn, rye is 51% rye , scotch /irish is barley.
as far as bought flavor go why do they sell artificial flavored sodas , whould you like a artificial beer? or a real one.
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Re: Confusing

Post by pHneutral »

mroe, first off, I'd read through the site. There is a hell of a lot of information there. Most of your questions will probably be answered.

Second off, the reason they sell the flavor additives is probably because its a way to get more money out of you :) See, if you actually knew you could knock together a pot still, and use really cheap molasses and baking yeast to make up rum, why they wouldn't be able to sell you the turbo yeast, carbon filters, fractionating column still, two part clearing agent, and flavorings. All of these things are useful for making Vodka, as many on the list will attest to. But for rum, all you need is a pot still molasses, yeast, water, a fermenter and some time ;)

The flavorings are also for other purposes, like making liqueurs.
Last edited by pHneutral on Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Confusing

Post by HookLine »

mroe wrote:So why do they sell the flavor additives?
Coz people keep buying 'em.

'Vodka Essence', anybody?

In fairness, at least a few of the commercial flavourings are okay. I don't use them myself but there is one particular 'rum' flavour in my local brew shop that is quite nice.

I personally don't have a problem with people just making some okay neutral and using commercial flavours, as long as they do it safely, and know there is another whole level to this hobby if they want to get further into it. Not everybody has the time, skill, patience, interest, money, location, etc, to go all the way in this hobby.
Be safe.
Be discreet.
And have fun.
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Re: Confusing

Post by pHneutral »

Hehe. I agree Hookline :) I guess I just felt a little snarky.
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Re: Confusing

Post by goinbroke2 »

I like my white dog or stuff I've put oak cubes in. However, my whitedog with topshelf whisky is close enough for store bought that inlaws/etc don't know the difference.

Instead of them mooching $30-40 worth of likker out of me, they're only getting $5-6.00! :lol:
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: Confusing

Post by Tatt2d »

HookLine wrote:
mroe wrote:So why do they sell the flavor additives?
'Vodka Essence', anybody?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I ask because I dont know better...

My first drops of distillate fell on Nov.18 '08 quickly followed again 10 days later. I'm hooked...
I run a 1.5" reflux column 51" tall. It is a CM rig... Yea, I know... - researching LM/VM now...
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