Sucanat Rum

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Sucanat Rum

Post by Kill-Devil »

Here's a simple recipe I've been using that produces a nice light rum with excellent flavor made from organic sucanat, a granular form of evaporated cane juice, available at most health food stores.

8.5# Sucanat
~ 5 gallons water

Yeast Nutrient (boil together)
1/2 cup bakers yeast
1 tsp DAP
1tsp MgSO4

Heat 3-4 gallons of water to >150F (to aid dissolving sucanat ), then stir in sucanat.
Stir in yeast nutrient.
Let sit for a 10-15 minutes at temperature (to reduce contams.)
Add remaining (cold) water and add to fermenter.
Aerate by shaking or stirring aggressively.
When cooled to <100F, pitch 1/4 cup baker's active dry yeast (add to top of wash).

Let the yeast sit on top and watch the magic show begin. Stir in cap after a few hours. Ferment at 65-70F for the best flavor. Usually takes 6 days to ferment out, then 2 days to clear after racking.
I distill in a single pass using alembic type still (pot still which generates a moderate amount of reflux). ABV output (after fores) starts at 83%. I usually collect the good stuff from 80% - 70% ABV.
I age on medium toast oak cubes for 3-4 weeks, then age off-oak for as long as I can resist opening it :P

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Re: Sucanat Rum

Post by rumlover »

How is the price on the sucanat? When I see "organic" or "health" , first thing I think is high dollar...
AKA Pappy Dan

When I read about the evils of liquor, I quit reading (Paul Hornung)
Ben Stillin
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Re: Sucanat Rum

Post by Ben Stillin »

Sucanet typically runs 65ish for the natural version and 120-130 for the organic at the local wholesale healthfood place. Online is a little cheaper but with shipping price can double on even the cheapest stuff.
2" Boka on a sanke and a 4" 6 plate flute (learning setups)

Current setup
Wall mounted steam stripper
Wall mounted 6 plate "flute"
50 gallon immersion heated mash kettle
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