Putting older posts here. Going to try to keep the novice forum pruned about 90 days work. The 'good' old stuff is going to be put into appropriate forums.
I'm new around here but have been distilling a few years now. I know the pros and cons with different stills but making a good white spirit with a reflux and TRYING to make something that tastes like Captain Morgan or Coruba is about as far as I go. By the way, I've never managed to make anything that even comes close to either of those two rums (anyone know of a good essence?)
My real reason for the post, apart from saying Hi, is to ask if anyone else notices that their home made hooch makes soft drinks go flat really quickly. When I make a rum and coke, the white froth on top that you'd usually get from a store bought rum is not there and the coke appears flat. Any and every rum that I have made does it.
Even in a bar, and I'm a professional here, the coke goes flat when mixed with rum or bourbon. I don't know why, I just know that it's not just home distilled spirits.
There may not be anything chemically making the soda flat. But for starters - if you make a 1:1 drink, you just lost half of your carbonation in an instant.
As for the bubbles, I'm sure things like rum and bourbon have plenty of oils that will disrupt the surface tension of the soda and eliminate your head.
Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water. W.C. Fields