I finally got around to taking some photos of my set up.
The column is pretty standard I think. I made it modular so that I can (eventually) make an offset-head reflux condenser. The tri-clamp to NPT adapter is very useful as it has a screen which will hold in packing nicely.
The "lyne arm" is very long because it reaches from my natural gas stove to my sink. I used to have a worm in bucket condenser but yesterday I made a new graham condenser. With the new condenser I could have a shorter lyne arm but I will keep it long because its safer to have the distillate coming out into a vessel thats in the sink.
As for the condenser, I was planning on using copper piping to put it together but when I was in the store I realized I could achieve the same effect for less than half the cost and labour by using PVC piping. It doesn't look pretty, I admit, but it gets the job done. I have 11 coils wound on 1/4" tubing inside the pipe. Condenses no problem the PVC barely even gets warm. I didn't even have to use any sealant as the two caps fit so snug that no water gets out.
Finally I wanted to mention the green goop on the condenser. Also doesn't look very pretty. It is, however, an amazingly useful sealant for stuff that doesnt come into contact with alcohol. Its made of 50% sticky-tack (blue) and 50% plasticine (green). Its much sticker than either of the two on their own and resists water and high temperature better as well. The seal on the top where the 1/4" tubing comes into the condenser gets a bit gooey on a run but is otherwise fine. For someone on a very limited budget and with limited hardware skillz this is amazing time saving stuff.
Also just a word of thanks to everyone on this forum - I would be in the dark if it werent for all your experience and discussions.