Drinking Responsibly

What do you drink, and how do you drink it?

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Drinking Responsibly

Post by alyeomans »

Does owning and running a still go hand in hand with drinking responsibly?

Well I will answer yes for me because the time and attention required to make a fine product you can be proud of. I love my whiskeys, gin and rums and now have a respect for enjoying spirits to taste and critique.

Though mrpe often than not I do enjoy an irresponsible session of g&t's with lime rimmed glasses topped with Schweppes tonic on barmey summer afternoons sitting in the shade. Later on after some red wine and a bbq, then later supping back on a few single malts neat!

So who's a responsible drinker and owns a still?
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by Ayay »

The docs say drink so much and have a few nights off per week, assuming highly taxed indirect access to legal swill!

Can get more'n pissed with no hangover on good cuts, but the livver will speak to you. Listen to your livver :cry: cos it knows. It likes a food buffer and lots of water depending. If you have direct access to a still then take care with the drinkin same as with the brewin.
Last edited by Ayay on Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by kiwistiller »

Define 'Responsible' :lol:

It's very rare that I'd have more than a drink or three a week, but on the occasions it does happen, there is a precedent for getting messy. Protip - 1 drink of booze, 1 drink of water. B vitamins help.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by UnclePaul »

How much more resposible can you be,,,, I drink at home, I don't drive and havent' laid a hand of aggression on the ole lady. With a good buzz on, I'm a happy character who loves a good joke.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by prospector86 »

I like to think I'm a responsible drinker, found out that its safer to stay in walking distance of the house if I'm drinking, and I just like to talk to people when I'm drunk. So I walk about a 1/2 mile and shoot the breeze with other guys getting drunk at the bar, then walk home.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by blind drunk »

I'm often the designated driver because my wife's a lush :lol: bd.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by Samohon »

kiwistiller wrote:Define 'Responsible' :lol:
Protip - 1 drink of booze, 1 drink of water. B vitamins help.
I'll go with that Kiwi, it actually works. Hav'nt tried it with the B Vits though.

Protip +1 - Eat before and during if possible.

♦♦ Samohon ♦♦

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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by blanikdog »

I drink about five nights a week, but seldom get pissed unless it's on a fishing trip with the mates when we all play up.
Yairss, I know, I'm old enough to know better, but you know how it is...

A quick look under the house and one would initially think I drink a lot, but most of it is several years old, and reserved for my wake -like bloody hell it is. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by rubber duck »

Hell I'm a evil shit bird when I get loaded, That's why I don't do it. I'm also a truck driver so even if I didn't kill someone being a idiot, and that's what you are if you drink and drive, if I was caught doing it I wouldn't have a job.

IDk I have known a few shiners and most seemed responsible.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by SMOKEU »

I drink responsibly, too bad my mum hates the fact that I distill spirit and says I have an alcohol problem when I don't really drink that much.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by toofless one »

SMOKEU wrote:the fact that I distill spirit and says I have an alcohol problem when I don't really drink that much.
Someone with a drinking problem wont take the time and effort to still, IMHO. theyll drink whatever shitty booze they can get a hold of. mouth wash even. my wife made a similar comment. i told her if i was laying under my still letting it drip into my mouth, then there would be a valid argument. havent heard anything else since.

there is a show on A&E about addiction "Intervention". I have seen alot of those episodes and never one where an old or young shiner was placed into rehab. not saying it doesnt happen, but i really really believe that if you have a serious drinking problem, you arent going to take the time to ferment and distill.

my only alcohol problem is i dont have any right at this moment. :ebiggrin:
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by SMOKEU »

toofless wrote:
SMOKEU wrote:the fact that I distill spirit and says I have an alcohol problem when I don't really drink that much.
Someone with a drinking problem wont take the time and effort to still, IMHO. theyll drink whatever shitty booze they can get a hold of. mouth wash even. my wife made a similar comment. i told her if i was laying under my still letting it drip into my mouth, then there would be a valid argument. havent heard anything else since.

there is a show on A&E about addiction "Intervention". I have seen alot of those episodes and never one where an old or young shiner was placed into rehab. not saying it doesnt happen, but i really really believe that if you have a serious drinking problem, you arent going to take the time to ferment and distill.

my only alcohol problem is i dont have any right at this moment. :ebiggrin:
The thing is that I never feel that I have to drink alcohol. I only drink alcohol on weekends or when I don't have school/work/any responsibilities the next morning.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by LWTCS »

SMOKEU wrote: I only drink alcohol on weekends or when I don't have school/work/any responsibilities the next morning.
Proper cuts and you won't need to worry about that :mrgreen:

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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by rubber duck »


I have to drive 600 miles tomorrow in eh big truck, and errrr fug i'll be ok in the mornin. Yes we semi truck divers really are trying to kill you. It's not a old wifes tale FWI
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by heynonny »

I get a weekly email from 'straightdope.com', which includes a new article and one or more old ones. This came with yesterdays: (Friday). -hey-

http://www.straightdope.com/columns/rea ... alcoholism
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by stock doc »

Interesting link ... I book marked it for future reference

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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by LWTCS »

Dang Hey.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by flip »

I've been drinking too much at times, I had blackouts that scared the hell out of me. I bumped my bakkie, not knowing when or where it happened. Since the beginning of this year, I can say I stopped drinking, athough I do taste my distille produce and I hope to never misuse alcohol again. I wonder sometimes if I should continue with distilling, even though I've just seemed to start getting the knack of it. I like this hobby, the fermenting, and distillation and the tasting, and that's where I hope it will stay for me.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by toofless one »

flip you are the only one who can control you if there was a problem. tread carefully my friend and be safe.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by ScottishBoy »

I like to drink when Im happy. If Im sad, then I dont like to drink. It feels "dishonest" to me. Dont know why.
Being a veteran of two heart attacks, I have been told to "have a drink or two" and try to watch my diet. So pretty much every night you can find me with a glass in my hand. But I dont like to get sloppy or anything. Just a little buzz. The medications I take also lend a good deal of resistance to alcohol.
The "responsible" thing for me is to make sure that I have everything done and that Im not drinking to avoid anything. I like it that way because I can really relax and simmer down. If one of my kids is away, I wont take a drink til 9 or so, just in case I need to go get them. I was hanging around with a drinking crowd who very often saw each other get into the car when they really shouldnt have. I separated myself from them so I could maximize my chances of being there for my family. Kinda hard to just drop friends like that, but it made sense to me. The few friends I have now know how I feel about my family and respect my choices.

Im not sure that "responsible" is the true word to use, but I feel that if I am going to drink, Im not going to put anyone else in danger.

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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by toofless one »

Well written SB. Makes perfect sense. family first.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by SiyaD »

i just like to drink responsibly and hate it when anybody create mess. But enjoyment is another face. I just love to drink whiskey, beer and some time Rum along with smoking.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by toast860 »

I stop drinking for a year after I got a dui. it was 2 weeks before my daughter was born. I gave up drinking and started to make likker. I have only got really shitty once sense that year has been over. I didn't look at a year as a date or anything. it was a little more then a year actually. but I had to grow up a but before I hurt myself or someone. but now I know when I have had to much and never involve myself in driving anywhere.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by YHB »

I always do what my doctor says.

He said that I should drink responsibly
and that it was good to drink in moderation
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by sltm1 »

If drinking responsibly mean's you don't spill much, then yes I drink responsibly. Plus, no driving, no hitting, no drooling, no vomiting and my wife still tolerates me...I must be a paragon of temperence....hic!
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by Buckshot »

I drink to help me sleep,sometimes too much, but I have a endless supply.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by chop-n-flop »

You want to drink a gallon of whiskey and not get a hang over? No problem, just chip a way at it, 2 shots a day...
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by SiyaD »

like everything in life you have to be responsible for what we do as when you take it personally when I take it accompanied a Cuban Cohiba cigar Esplendidos night to enjoy the maximum https://www.cubancigarsbest.com/index.php/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow cohiba-esplendidos.html
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by sltm1 »

Do I drink responsibly? Well, sometimes I use 2 hands....no wait, that's how you shoot responsibly LOL. I am however, responsible for every dram of liquor that passes my lips, never once have I been forced to drink against my will.
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Re: Drinking Responsibly

Post by Truckinbutch »

sltm1 wrote:Do I drink responsibly? Well, sometimes I use 2 hands....no wait, that's how you shoot responsibly LOL. I am however, responsible for every dram of liquor that passes my lips, never once have I been forced to drink against my will.
Oh , come on ; let's have one more and then we will go ............... :moresarcasm:
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