Using beer 'malted barley' mix for a distill?

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Using beer 'malted barley' mix for a distill?

Post by HaydenM »

I'm curious to know...

I've got a few cans of that 'Brewing Kit' beer making syrup stuff laying around.

Its contents are: Malted Barely, Water, Hops and Hop Extract. Ive also got a few apple cider cans too.

Would I be able to use this in fermentation to produce ethanol? If so, what processes or things should I add to achieve a good result.

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Re: Using beer 'malted barley' mix for a distill?

Post by Bull Rider »

I've used two row malted barley for a mash, nice flavor. I would be concerned with the "hop" part of your mix. I've read that the hop flavor will carryover and that it's not pleasant for a spirit. But, again, I've never tried to distill a mash with hops. You could give it a go and see what happens.

I've fermented many gallons of apple cider for hard cider, both kegged and bottled. I've never ran it through the still. I do have about five gallons of a cider experiment that went upside down that I'm going to distill next time I drag the "Lightening Bug" out...

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Re: Using beer 'malted barley' mix for a distill?

Post by kiwistiller »

imo (I've distilled beer before) the hops flavour is awful, and it's really only good to feed to a column still and carbon filtering combo to strip it to ethanol. probably more trouble than it's worth.
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Re: Using beer 'malted barley' mix for a distill?

Post by HaydenM »

cool cheers, yeah i might give it a miss then. Ill stick with what i know works :)

thanks for ur time
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