I have spent lots of time reading the mountain of information posted here by you kind souls. All I can say is thank you! I have decided to take the plunge, after several years of dallying about.
I have secured 6 feet of 2" copper type L from a local salvage yard. The outside looks great, but the inside is pretty much covered in a yellow/red layer of some sort. I would assume that this probably needs to come out before I get started soldering. I have made some tentative attempts to remove it with vinegar, 3M scrubbies and coarse steel wool. Seems like I am pissing in the wind, regardless of how much junk comes out at the end of the exercise. I even rigged up a wooden dowel with steel wool stapled to it and ran it through the pipe with my drill. I got quite a bit of stuff out, but the layer of junk is still there. I have also considered using high-strength Starsan, which cleans my copper immersion chiller wonderfully.
According to the scrap guy, this pipe was water line, so I'm not worried about nasty chemical residue. I'm assuming that this stuff is oxidation until proven otherwise. And, yes, I have read the posts about different acids, just haven't seen anything dealing with this specific problem.
1. Should I be worried about this layer of stuff?
2. Does anyone have a better way than what I have already described for cleaning INSIDE a pipe?
3. Should I just solder up and clean in place after everything is together?
I am planning on a 48" Bokabob on a 15.5 gallon beer keg fired with a propane burner.
Please discuss.