Your last hangover...

What do you drink, and how do you drink it?

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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by goinbroke2 »

I've drank a 750ml bottle of my stuff myself at the track (in the evening after the races) and stumbled to bed at 1-2am. Felt perfect the next morning with open headers roaring all around me. But, about..I don't know 4-6-8 months ago I forgot to bring mine when I went to the inlaws to play cards. They had crown royale and I had 3 MAYBE 4 tumblers. Next morning I had a wicked headache! I cursed the "store bought crap" and refused it when we went to play cards that night. I drank coke all night. I have not drank store bought shit since and I won't. I will go without before I'll drink any shit from a store.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by rubber duck »

goinbroke2 wrote:I've drank a 750ml bottle of my stuff myself at the track (in the evening after the races) and stumbled to bed at 1-2am. Felt perfect the next morning with open headers roaring all around me. But, about..I don't know 4-6-8 months ago I forgot to bring mine when I went to the inlaws to play cards. They had crown royale and I had 3 MAYBE 4 tumblers. Next morning I had a wicked headache! I cursed the "store bought crap" and refused it when we went to play cards that night. I drank coke all night. I have not drank store bought shit since and I won't. I will go without before I'll drink any shit from a store.

Amen to that.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by Cornellius »

It was the last time I drank beer, and sadly I like beer and I like to round a few bottles once in a blue moon and hang over is awful with a huge taste of stomach ache! I never got hang over when I drink my own stuff though, neutral vodka or nice coffee liquour that is.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by SiyaD »

Every time, every weekend mostly on Saturday always were my last hangover, is was only weekend that allow me and to my friend to break all record.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by stillin »

The worst was in 1995. Went to the bar with my wife and got told by one of her girlfriends she could drink more tequila shots than I could. That wasn't happening. Next thing I know I was trying to fight my best friend because he was dancing with my wife after I told him I didn't mind. Threw up outside the bar, went back inside and the last thing I remember before I blacked out was holding my middle finger in the air looking at my wife and best friend yelling f**k you! Woke up the next morning in the bed covered in mud cause I fell in a mudhole and the wife had to wake up our neighbor to help get me in the house. Couldnt hold anything down for the next 24 hrs. Took me 3 days to feel right again. Never touched tequila since and never will again. Im gagging just typing this post thinking about it.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by LWTCS »

Nice quote on yer Tag.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by stillin »

Took me a long time to learn how true that saying was LWTCS. I tell my two teenagers the same thing today but I'm a realist and I know they'll learn the hard way just like I did.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by Michaeln416 »

Ever since I started making my own, I find that I have acquired a very low tolerance to store bought. I get punished for even having a little. Yet, if I overdo it with my own the worst I ever get is a 'light fog' the next morning. About a month ago I had a glass of red wine with dinner followed by a dry martini made from a respectable commercial gin. The next morning I was practically paralyzed by the headache. Prior to becoming conditioned to home made, that amount and combination would have been a non-event.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by steve2md »

I'm pretty sure my liver is on vacation. Seems I can drink as much of whatever I want (except bud light or corona light) and be fine. The stuff I make keeps me in check though. I know how fast a person can end up in the ER with tubes in their arms if one is not careful.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by RandyMarshCT »

About 3 weeks ago I bought a half gallon of hard cider called "Blackout" from a local cider mill. I love the stuff, but always try to stick to the "1 pint glass" rule. Well, after the first glass it was tasting nice and I was feeling nice. My wife's cousin had a half gallon as well, so we convinced each other we should finish them up. That cider is 14% abv. The next morning was very rough. I don't think anything has given me a worse hangover than hard cider... but I still like it. No hard feelings. Just makes me appreciate my apple brandy a whole lot more.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by idahoarcher »

Ran into a friend of mine from High school about 20 years ago and we went out to a club together. She was drinking Kamikazi's and I was drinking shots of tequila. We went back to her house and all I remember after that was the next two days on her sofa, sick as a dog and a headache so bad It hurt to move. Tequila is not my best friend!
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by LWTCS »

SugarDaddy come to town. We didn't have much time to hang out but I did want to take him around just a bit.
We stopped at the local brew pub. They usually do a real nice job.
We had a couple of these beers that somehow had watermelon installed.
Not sure if it was fermented into the finished product or installed after the fact?

Then stopped at a final location to have a mojito.
Two beers and a cocktail and I was destroyed thee next day for some reason?
Him too.
I drank way more likker than that and been a long time since I have felt like that.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by gmm213 »

Last one I can remember was when we got a half keg at my buddy's house. We also had a refrigerator full of jello shots. It ended up with me how camper roof singing to journey with only my boxers on. I was informed the next day half the jello show had been made with tequila. I don't do tequila.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by bearriver »

Twas 13. Family get together. The men decided to let me have at the watering hole. I was an agressive little fish...

My mother bless her soul never found out. 2 days later, still almost embalmed, I recieved a unpleasant injection in my ass for allergies. Didnt help my headache one bit, but my mother kept her pride.

That was my last hangover.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by Hawkeye3 »

Don't remember. I haven't had one in a few years thanks to you guys. :D
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by ohyeahyeah »

The last time i drank Jameson's. Continuous column still gns blended shiat. One shot = next day headache.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by aquavita »

This morning - a mere 2 "rocks first" pours of Woodford Reserve.

Sharp headache.

Just 2 frickin drinks. Could not believe it. Spaced them out over 3 hours and wham - the headache.

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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by ohyeahyeah »

aquavita wrote:This morning - a mere 2 "rocks first" pours of Woodford Reserve.

Sharp headache.

Just 2 frickin drinks. Could not believe it. Spaced them out over 3 hours and wham - the headache.

In process of building my still... slow but steady.
Woodford Reserve is actually well made whiskey. Its a combination of column/batch kettle whiskey(old forester) and triple pot stilled whiskey. I wonder if you are sensitive to the tannins found in bourbon because of full char oak aging?
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by CanadianBacon »

Worse recent hang over was 5? shots of store bought moonshine within 1 hr. I have no idea if it was more then 5 because i proceed to blacking out... Had to get carried out of my buddies house i was so drunk then I could barley get my cloths off my girlfriend said when i got home, I proceed to eat mc Donald and fell over into my TV stand. I woke up with only a stomach ach lol. This sorta nigh is about a once a month thing for me. Usually i drink about 2 litter of water before bed and eat so i'm ok.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by Dyonisus »

My last hangover was in the summer when I mixed beer with rum... stupid me. Lesson learned.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by steve2md »

I guess I've developed a sensitivity to Blue Moon. I think it's the sugar content honestly. I get a headache in the am if I drink Moon all night
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by aquavita »


Woodford Reserve is actually well made whiskey. Its a combination of column/batch kettle whiskey(old forester) and triple pot stilled whiskey. I wonder if you are sensitive to the tannins found in bourbon because of full char oak aging?[/quote]

Enjoy the taste profile for sure - do not know about the tannins.

I will say that my wife is very sensitive to tannins - we keep a log of wines that don't give her a piercing headache after one glass.

However I will say that the advise from the mother ship - 1 glass of water between every drink is advisable.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by SiyaD »

in my last hangover take everything that existed in the bar but miraculously the next day to take my hangover a friend offered me a cigar smoking cubamo called Montecristo, with that the hangover disappeared recommend" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow index.php / montecristo-cuban-cigars.html
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by Mr Shine »

Somehow drank a quart and a half(!) of UJ after a funeral recently. First time being hung over with good product with decent cuts. Although it very well could have been alcohol poisoning. Just goes to show that if you drink enough--even of "good" stuff--you will pay for it later.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by bearriver »

I was 13 years old at Sunday family dinner when dad learned me about liquor. Was hungover till Wednesday.

Told my mother it was allergies, so she drug me to the doctor for some kind of allergy shot in my ass. I've drank like a gentleman ever since.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by T-Pee »

That would do it! :lol:

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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by bearriver »

Shit, I've already posted that story in this thread. WTF bear?....

This is exactly why I normally don't use the internets while drinking.
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by RandyMarshCT »

bearriver wrote:Shit, I've already posted that story in this thread. WTF bear?....

This is exactly why I normally don't use the internets while drinking.
:lol: :clap: :lol:

I was thinking, "man, I feel like I've read this already."
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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by T-Pee »

Deja vu is the feeling you've read something before.
Deja vu is the feeling you've read something before.
Deja vu is the feeling you've read something before.

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Re: Your last hangover...

Post by Beerbrewer »

Don't really get them, my main tipple of choice is home made beer and I can have a fair few of those without feeling too many ill effects the next day, as long as I have enough sleep. Pretty much stay away from anything commercial and drinking a pint of water with a tablespoon of salt in it before bed helps as well.
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