Hi Joe, so does that mean that the current 3.13% of holes KS has on his plates will cause the still to only bubble on certain plates?rednose wrote:Sorry to interrupt this well intention of a great built.
It can be calculated the area of perforation but one thing I want to leave: any liquid has a certain tension, alcohol has a few viscosity.
That for, in my opinion it is better to have the holes smaller but moe of 'em.
I worked with perforated plates in my "Apollo" still, the material has been very fine (very, very small holes), I saw the result of OD, no plates works if they have no liquid, just take that in account.
I don't wanna be a "I know all", but I did it that way and that works well.
Kentuckky, I just don't want to hear you reporting that only the last one or two plates bubble.
Would it be beneficial to increase the coverage of holes on the plates to 10% making the holes smaller?
Last but not least, what is the optimum size of hole IYO to get this baby firing on all cylinders (plates)?
Could this be a possibility why only the last one or tw plates would bubble?Extract from - Mother Earth Alcohol Fuel... wrote:A minimum pressure must be maintained in the still or the liquid on the plate will "dump". Dumping occurs when the pressure holding the liquid on the plate drops far enough to allow the liquid to fall through the holes and down to the next lower plate. This stops distillation,
Thanks man...