Reflux with a thumper

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Reflux with a thumper

Post by TipsyPig »

I have looked and either can’t find or am just overlooking it, but I was wondering if I could incorporate a thumper into a reflux for added flavour? I have a few plans laid out on cad but was looking for some other input. Any Ideas gents?
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Re: Reflux with a thumper

Post by MuleKicker »

well, if you did it that way, you would potentially end up with high ABV% likker that is flavored, right? Then you would have to cut it with water. Most folks try to end a flavored run on target ABV% so they dont have to dilute with water. You would deffinately be diluting with water. I guess I dont see the point of taking all flavor out of your booze with a reflux, just to add flavor back in. Concept is interesting, but i dont think it will fly.
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Re: Reflux with a thumper

Post by TipsyPig »

Tanks MK I realy didn't think that one through late last night. Still reading about the reflux and just wanted the best of both worlds in a compact package.
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Re: Reflux with a thumper

Post by LWTCS »

Hang on.

This is exactly what the "Thump Tower" is all about.

Thumpers are very versitile. The problem as I see it is that the thumper gets stuck by the operator into a pre-determined landing spot/location within the process and therefore becomes more of a one demensional tool.
Thumpers can:
Reduce aggragate stilling time.
compress heads
Raise abv
Infuse flavor
reduce the loss of flavor.
clean up stank former runs.

Any more?? Maybe.

And depending what you charge your thumper with, and where you locate your thumper (in conjuction with your reflux tool) you can make your thumper do a better job at certain tasks.

Creating a system that allows for multiple landing spots within your out fit will give you lots of diversity.

Course that may require a few pounds of solder :mrgreen:
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Re: Reflux with a thumper

Post by LWTCS »

So here is an example as we have recently talked about this while viewing the "Hextopus" thumper head.

Once again,,,Dunderhead has a lil brandy short cut trick where he takes nuetral delutes to 40% plus or minus, and adds fruit juice to the charge to allow for a fruity carry over into the newly distilled spirit. Works nicely. Nice lil short cut trick.

So on a single run wash with a reflux tool below (on my rig) or,,,,,up stream from the thumper, you jack up your abv with the reflux tool and allow the higher abv to pass through the thumper charged with fruit necter,,,,,rum dunder,,,,,,smoked citrus skins or what ever. It's infusion. It is a good thing.
Only thing that I have not engineerd is the heads take off prior to the thumper. I really would like to keep heads out of my beloved thumper juice. Need more money :mrgreen:

Or,,,,,,try this:
With the reflux tool avove the thumper and the thumper(with return drain to the boiler) charged with a minimal water charge, you can put the rig into 100% reflux till you hear the return drain draining back to the primary boiler. Now depending on how high you locate the return/liquid line within the thumper, you will have separated and accumulated that much more high alcohol ready to be discharged.
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Re: Reflux with a thumper

Post by TipsyPig »

Ok well let me bang out a few more things on my cad and I'll post them to see what you all think. I have the time and the silver so I want to do it right, but also I want to try to push the envelope on this a little. :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Reflux with a thumper

Post by myles »

It is perfectly acceptable to build a shorter than normal reflux column specifically to distill flavoured spirits. Just to be accurate it is a different product to a pot still. If you are looking for grappa or eau-de-vie style whit spirits with a faint but distinct flavour, then it is the tool prefered by many.

It all depends what you are looking for in your product. Not sure you can get a full flavour like whisky from a de-tuned column - but I have never tried to do it.

I may be blinkered but I have always thought - BIG flavour is pot still territory. Neutral or subtle flavour is reflux territory. (OR tripple distilled in a pot still!!) Depends how much energy you want to use. Plus don't forget the versatile vapour infusion still for botanicals. Truth is you can do most things with any still, it is a compromise on time and energy though. :)
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Re: Reflux with a thumper

Post by MuleKicker »

Shit. I didnt even give that a thought. I feel like a dumbass :oops:
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