I'm looking to purchase a small still just ot produce gin essence, I would like something commercially available, electric and easy to use. (max 500mL)
Is there such a thing? I'm looking but to no avail.
You could easily make this set up, brewaus sells a stainless condenser then all you would need is a boiler which you could make with a tea kettle and a cork stopper.
Yup, very easy to make this coffee pot still...
Use your imagination, apart from the liebig (condenser), your probably have the rest lying around the house...
If not, yard/garage/boot sales, now I always have a look...
Here's a link to a video showing an all glass still for extracting esential oils and such. It's a kit that you can buy. I've tried pricing all the individual pieces in order to try and save some money, but in order to do so you have to be pretty knowlegable about the types and sizes of connections to ensure that they all fit properly.
You can probably get some glass lab equipment reasonably cheap to do that for you. You'l be looking at way under 100 bucks in NZ for it anyway (more like 60), I imagine it would be much cheaper elsewhere.
you could also look at doing distilled gin or vapour infused gin instead of compound gin - in the commercial spirits world, compoud gins are 'lower shelf' anyway.
I got a nice lil 1" boka I built I could sell ya that for $60
Daddy used, to say " Any landing you can walk away from is a good one"
Calculations don't mean shit when compared to the real world practical experience of many...RAD 9/2010