
Simple pot still distillation and construction with or without a thumper.

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Post by condensificator »








got my thumper done. bit some stuff off of Usge...thanks! there are a couple of "measure twice, cut three times" moments in this one, but it all came together.

it's nice and sturdy free floating with an empty boiler, but i'm still gonna add a little leg for it to rest on.
did some patina on it with bluing for rockchucker

can't wait for my next batch of rum to finish ferment so i can see what it can do!!
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Kentucky shinner »

dude you aint right..... YOu have one complex mind.. That is Friggin awsome...
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Azframer »

I don't know much but wouldn't you want your inlet to come down to close to bottom of thumpificator to reheat into vapor again? Your vapor would rise to go around the outer of inlet tube? May be a stupid question.
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Re: thumpificator

Post by MuleKicker »

the thumpificator5500w 8) Shit you say im a wizzard???? I may be lookin you up fer some baaaad assss metal work in the future. Frikkin beautiful.
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Re: thumpificator

Post by condensificator »

Azframer wrote:I don't know much but wouldn't you want your inlet to come down to close to bottom of thumpificator to reheat into vapor again? Your vapor would rise to go around the outer of inlet tube? May be a stupid question.
the vapor inlet is the one with the holes in it. it goes down the 1-1/2" all the way to the bottom of the barrel, out the holes...the thumpificated vapor out is the branch going down off of the bottom of the 3" reducer.
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Azframer »

Duh,,,, I just didn't see it right. Sweet thing it is !!!
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Ratabilly »

wow man, that is indeed some fine copper work. I like the wodden thumper keg...
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Re: thumpificator

Post by LWTCS »

Yup,KS is right. Yer never gonna rest is ya?

If you find that you are having issues with smearing on yer single runs,,,,,,strip to???? Then add back some wash to dilute to ????and charge your thumper with some dunder.

Could also turn that into a tuneable thumper and reflux for some real nice esterfication while you givin it the thumperficatin.

Sorry for trying to be a trouble maker.
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Re: thumpificator

Post by rubber duck »

Help is out there, find it before it finds you.

You have a talent. Nice work.
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Usge »

That's a double condensifcator! Awesome work! Actually, that was OD's design (for the inline thumphead), not mine. I could never get mine to work doing single runs. Couple theories thrown about as to why. But, be interested to see what kind of results you get with yours!
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Re: thumpificator

Post by cob »

there has been copper porn, now there is wood porn, that patina looks good. cob
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Re: thumpificator

Post by condensificator »

...i see. i thought i stole that from your "stovetop" thumper. i read as many posts as i could find on thumpers when i was thinking about this. guess i missed thanks to OD as well!

thanks y'all!
fun project...couldn't stop thinking about it, so i had to bust it out last night...only thing that really worries me is the barrel getting rotten. the hard part was the copper work, so if i need to make the pot out of something else, should be a snap.
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Re: thumpificator

Post by goose eye »

you gonna be able to shoot it with that flange
yup id be blockin it up
aint gonna rot mite get bettles putin a hole in it but toothpicks plug them but id be plugin them
business holes with rags so the varmits cant make em home when you got it outfit nocked down
id be makein me a real good plug for that side.
dern good work

reminds me of a ole boy that put a flathead ford in his pa 8n while he was gone.
he was always tinkerin. he couldnt read nor write but he was a genus. he was the first one
the ole boys seen designin them upright outfits way back when. ole boys wish they would of
paid atention

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Re: thumpificator

Post by bgrizzle »

HOLY MOTHER FREAKIN MOLY! Your work is amazing. I must ask, do you ever sleep? Every time I check out the HD forum you have made something new!

I, like others, greatly appreciate the pride and craftsmanship you have. This shows through in your work.

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Re: thumpificator

Post by kiwistiller »

Three sheets to the wind!
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Smokehouse Shiner »

Man I love it! Copper work is awsome. Pattina looks good. Thats gotta be a first, tri clamp on a wood keg. :D Great work. blump, blump, blump,blump, you oughta get us a sound recording of the sound that thing thumperficatin. :ewink:
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Re: thumpificator

Post by condensificator »

thanks y'all.

yeah goose, my uncle in law who got me into this had the powder post beetle bad. they were leaving little dust piles all over where his barrels were. he just kept stuffing toothpicks in the holes and eventually they all died. he got this big header beam made out of pressed chips FREE from a buddy that was infected with em, and now they are popping up all over the place...nice gift, huh!

with the hole, i figger there was already a hole there, might as well make it useful!

sight glass, as i heard it would be useful on a thumper to check fill level, foaming, puking, etc.

the tri-clamp glass itself is leak tested and water tight on the 3"T, the wood is a tight press fit with dry wood...i stretched out the copper so i had to taper it a bit and hammer it in. i am soaking it overnight and i can imagine that it won't seal.

Image shined a high power flashlight through the inlet to get a fancy picture. looks cool with the optical distortion from the water...the holes on the bottom look like they are right at the glass level.

and one through the outlet for another.

...and, no...i do not sleep. especially now that it's duck season...
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Kentucky shinner »

IIIii iiiii iiiiii say DDDDDamnit Boy.......

Re: thumpificator

Post by MashMan »

G'day condensificator, nice work dude, glad someone else has seen the simplicity in using a tri clamp setup for a sight glass, nice job 8) looks like you have used a silicon gasket for the glass to seel against :?: I have used the same it works great. can you tell me what thickness glass you used :?: I had trouble initially with sight glasses cut from 3mm that were not concentric which didn't seel too well. anyhoo looks awesome, so have you given it a run yet?????

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Re: thumpificator

Post by nwvapors »

What did you use for glass? The only thing I can find from suppliers that deal in tri-clamp windows are plastic. Very interested in how you pulled that off. It would solve a buttload of thinkin' on my potential stainless flute build.
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Kentucky shinner »

nwvapors wrote:What did you use for glass? The only thing I can find from suppliers that deal in tri-clamp windows are plastic. Very interested in how you pulled that off. It would solve a buttload of thinkin' on my potential stainless flute build.
+1 what did you use for your glass. did you just cut some glass? is so what thickness?
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Mr.Spooky »

now thats a real humdinger!
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Re: thumpificator

Post by condensificator »

well, i let it sit full overnight, and it sealed up tight as a drum. stoked.
MashMan wrote:G'day condensificator, nice work dude, glad someone else has seen the simplicity in using a tri clamp setup for a sight glass, nice job 8) looks like you have used a silicon gasket for the glass to seel against :?: I have used the same it works great. can you tell me what thickness glass you used :?: I had trouble initially with sight glasses cut from 3mm that were not concentric which didn't seel too well. anyhoo looks awesome, so have you given it a run yet?????

thanks. the glass is 5.5mm pyrex that i scored from glassman (thanks again gm!)...and of course, there is NO SILICONE!!! i don't want the plastic police showing up at my door. i used a regular teflon tri-clamp gasket, and cut the ridge off of one side with a razor blade, then planed/lapped it on some sandpaper. the glass is ground to pretty much the same contour as a regular tri-clamp ferrule...the side of the diamond hole saw used to cut the glass disc, can be used to grind the glass, just need to keep it a bit wet. if i were going to make a bunch, i would just get a dedicated diamond wheel for it. after the contour is put in, i wrapped 7 or 8 layers of teflon tape around the outside edge...enough that there is a good pad for the clamp do delicately, but firmly hold the glass.

there were some pics in my 3"T thread in the column forum...if you look at the first picture on this page, you can see the glass and gasket out of the clamp, then there is a pic 3 down from that one that has the glass, gasket and clamp in place without the teflon tape seal: ... &start=165
i had another way figured out to do it before i got the thick pyrex, and it was the same, except just using two teflon gaskets each with one ridge cut off and glass sandwiched between...still with the teflon tape wraps to have some give to make the seal on the glass.

just finished it, so i haven't had a chance to run it yet. i'll do an update when i do.

yeah NW and KS, it's a real f*ing bummer that they don't make them in glass...
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Re: thumpificator

Post by Bull Rider »

Got a case of Thumper Envy going here....

Nice work. Love that barrel, been looking locally for one convert into a thumper.

Thanks for sharing...
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Re: thumpificator

Post by olddog »

Your workmanship and innovation, is outstanding as usual, but the question arises, why you would sacrifice a barrel when most of us would give our eye teeth to be able to obtain a barrel like that to store our likker. :( :( :( :(

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Re: thumpificator

Post by condensificator »

olddog wrote:Your workmanship and innovation, is outstanding as usual, but the question arises, why you would sacrifice a barrel when most of us would give our eye teeth to be able to obtain a barrel like that to store our likker. :( :( :( :(

that barrel's pretty much done with. 3 runs of ujssm through it, and it doesn't have much to offer another. i've got a few others that are at this stage, and they'll be good for rum. definitely got my money's worth out of it already, so, i gladly offer up the barrel in the honor of the ones who came before me who used barrels for thumpers!

if anyone is looking for these,

i'm doing a cleaning run right is melonfarming awesome!!! i dragged my wife in to see it i was so stoked! no surprise, she wasn't as exited about it as i am...

so cool to watch it splashing away in there. at first, when the liquid in the thumper was heating up, it was filling and it was thumping really hard. i had to stop and take some out. when i got it back up again, it has been steady and fun as sh*t to watch. feel like a little kid with a new remote control car! awesome.
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Re: thumpificator

Post by condensificator », OD, i was thinking about the 5l barrel costs me $60 delivered. i got 20 750l bottles of nicely oaked whiskey out of it in 3 runs, so if i figger it adds $2 worth of flavor to every won't really do anymore whiskey. on the last one, i had to add some chips because it had nothing left....

$40 for the oaking of the 20 bottles, then ends up the vessel for my thumper cost me $20...sounds like a deal for something so cool!

can't stop sitting in front of it with a flashlight looking in. cool!
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Re: thumpificator

Post by condensificator »

...and....i think it is so cool, i'd buy one just to use it for the thumper if i didn't already have one......without having to justify the cost!

dig it!
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Re: thumpificator

Post by LWTCS »

Hate you,,,,Brother.

Your in real good shape now. Cycle all yer spent Ujssm barrels down to yer rum operation.

Wud you charge your thumper with?
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Re: thumpificator

Post by condensificator »

just water...just doing a vinegar/water cleaning run...had to patch a couple pinholes in the boiler as well, i can't mig weld for sh*t.

i wish i knew how to post vids. i'd love to share this with someone who would enjoy wife just gave me that..."ooooooo...kayyyy........" look...and walked off like i just farted or something.
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