I live in the states and I am an Engineer by trade; I love knowing the basics of everything and being able to build something from the ground up to reap the rewards is my ultimate past time.
Now, for the alky talk:
I have already made several batches of my own beer brews and have loved it. I still have all of my equipment and I hope that it will help me moving forward into the distilling of my own spirits.
I am doing this, as everyone else is, as a hobby. I am a fan of nice, smooth Rums and full flavored Scotches. My wife is a sucker for clean, clear, smooth Vodkas. It is these items in which I am going to attempt to distill with my experience I gain here.
I have already gotten a lot of help from members of this site and I always value the opinions of those more knowledgeable then myself. I already thank you, and I hope that, over time, I can be one of the ones to help contribute my own knowledge and experience.