Hi All,
Have been distilling for 2 1/2 years with a 2" reflux I built. Am now building a 4" bubble tray still. Just found this site about two weeks ago. I am happy with what I have learned myself but now need more education for a superior product. Looking forward to the adventure.
Warmest Regards,
new member
Moderator: Site Moderator
Re: new member
I like your handle, uh, user name. My ex insists my "hobby" fits right into my anti-gov't persona. Of course she's wrong, she's my ex, I just like to drink.
Seriously, I'm strictly a pot stiller but we got a lot of reflux stillers here to give some good advise.
Big R
Seriously, I'm strictly a pot stiller but we got a lot of reflux stillers here to give some good advise.
Big R
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." William Pitt
Re: new member
Welcome to the forum, you have a background but you have hit the motherload at this site! Enjoy your research it is all here.