persimmon wine

Alcoholic beverages which are not classified as spirits.

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Re: persimmon wine

Post by drinkycrow »

Maybe you should try boiling it first to soften it up and use a bit over ripe ones and I heard something or another from my grandma way back that if you peel persimmons, string them together and let them hang from a nail on a doorway it gets rid of some of that tacky feeling which I assume means less tannins. The wine might also benefit from some chopped dried persimmons but be careful to either buy organic or add after the fermentation due to the preservitives they add to prevent molding might be detrimental to the health of the yeast and might make the problems of extra tannins even worse. Either way this is a great idea and thread and I might be trying for some persimmon wine myself this year!
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my persimmon wine

Post by guittarmaster »

How did this turn out?

Also, I didn't want to start a new thread when theres a lot of good advice about this topic on this thread so I'd like to conribute....

tonight i just started 5 gallons of persimmons wine/brandy.... don't know which yet..

13# persimmons, mashed and roughly strained by hand
2.5# sugar
1T yeast nutrients
1 beano tables (hoping to avoid some the heady-foamy ness... probably wont' help much though)
1t alpha extra (same as above)
4 sodiummetabisulfate tablets

combined all ingredients and put into primary.

I tried to take a SG reading but there is too much particulate matter in suspension and is not reading accurately.

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