I just wanted to share my plans for making some fruity vodka to accompany the fast aproaching summer, also ask a few questions.
I just completed my second turbo yeast run with ma T500 and it tastes 10 times better than the first. Cleaning runs really do make a world of difference.
Anyway, I have a 25l birdwatcher brewing away and I'm hoping to get some super ultra clean spirit from that, then have a go at flavouring it.
Here's my plan, based on a mash of 21l water, 5kg white sugar, 200g tomato puree, juice of one lemon, 60g bakers yeast. Room temp for 7 days.
1. Distill down to as pure as possible (normally 95.5ish)
2. Dilute to vodka strength (37.5 or thereabouts)
3. Pass the vodka through activated carbon (optional)
4. Put vodka in jars with various chopped fruits/herbs
5. Add sugar to taste, leave to infuse for at least a month
6. Paper filter out the fruit, add colouring and put in litre glass bottles
So what do you think?
I'm hoping I can do without the carbon filter, I read up and the concensus is that if you get the mash and still correct in the first place you won't need filtering.
I like the sound of that.
Let me know your thoughts, and any personal recipes would be great.
I'll keep posted