I've noticed a lot of whiskey's from the store have a grain bill of 10 - 15% malt. If these grain bills are using a 6 row with a high diastatic power the DP per pound of grain is still about 18 -27 DP/pound. Everything I've read on here says DP should be 30/pound at a bare minium and most recipes are closer to or higher than 40.
What gives? How are the brand whiskey's getting by with such a low DP/pound? Superior experience, equipment, or ingredients?
Grain Bill & Diastatic power of brand whiskey
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Re: Grain Bill & Diastatic power of brand whiskey
distillers malt-DP 200
Re: Grain Bill & Diastatic power of brand whiskey
Ha ha. The simplest answer is most often correct. I had 2 and 6 row stuck in my brain cause that's what is most often seen in homebrew stores and online.
Thank you.
Thank you.