A novice question. (odors)
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A novice question. (odors)
Built a small 5 gallon still, did a few test runs with water to ensure all gasket seals, now that I am ready to start this, I am worried about any odors produced. Ill probably cheat my first batch, use a 5 gallon plastic bottle with the condom to ferment. Will this produce a noticeable odor at all. Also when I start to cook, how bad will the odors be. The reason I ask is I live in an apartment, and I dont want the cops showing up, or stinking the place up, thanks in advance, Tim.
Re: A novice question. (odors)
decide for your self,mix a quart/liter ferment . i would not try this in a small apartment.not because of smell so much but it can become messy.
Re: A novice question. (odors)
The apartment I have is a two bedroom, and I live alone, so I can dedicate my whole second bedroom to this, 12'x14' roughly.
Re: A novice question. (odors)
Not sure why you would put on a condom, never read that on the parent site.
Good luck too ya
Good luck too ya