here is where I got my original soap making spreadsheet." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow This one can stay on your computer, i.e. does not require an internet connection, and is usable offline. Here is an updated version of millers sheet: (v3)." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow. This is the spreadsheet I started with, and have added to mine since I downloaded it (as I was learning excel). But this original is a wonderful tool also.
All soap calcs are pretty much the same. They contain SAP pre-computed values for each oil type, and Lye (NAOH or KOH) has pretty standard properties, as long as you KNOW the purity of the lye. So the recipes to 'make' the soap are nothing more than trivial math. However, there ARE many rules on making 'GOOD' soap, vs just making soap. Getting things to properly lather, to properly clense, to properly wet, to have silky feeling, etc, etc. That is where research into what oils to use, temps, processes, etc can make a large difference.
Soap making is akin to booze making. There is a ton of information out on the net. Pretty much any newbe can do either, and get 'results'. They can research 'just' enough to know how to do it, and make some crappy 'soap', or a nasty turbo collecting all, and getting terrible hangovers from it. Or a newbe can spend a little more time researching, and find a 'simple' working recipe, such as UJSSM/Albran and learning cuts, or for soapmaking, finding a good beginner page such as" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow and beginner recipe such as" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow, and end up making very decent booze, and very good quality beginners soap.
I do love soap making. I do not make the fancy smancy womens soap. I make good bar soap, and also make (Mrs Husker actually does this one) a very good home made laundry detergent. So it is good to know that if the zombie apocolyse ever comes, Husker will be clean, drunk, and well fed. Now I just need to learn some blacksmithing skills, and how to make my own furnature, and I would be that much closerr to being 'set'.
H." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Hillbilly Rebel: Unless you are one of the people on this site who are legalling distilling, keep a low profile, don't tell, don't sell.