Small Quantity Recipe ..?..

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Small Quantity Recipe ..?..

Post by DreamBandit »

Hi, All...
........... I am hoping that this falls under Recipe Development, IF not please advise and I will relocate it to the appropriate topic.........
I have spent most of today trawling through various posts in numerous topics to see if I can locate ANY recipes that allow for smaller quantities to be distilled.. ie: in a "Pressure Cooker" Still (Part of my Learning Curve regime).. Need to be REAL sure I know what I am doing before getting into a larger/full sized distilling outfit..
I have not been able to find ANY recipes Anywhere that have smaller sizes/weights etc listed that would suit a 10.25 (Ten & a Quarter Pints) boiler.. Believe me I HAVE looked ALL over, :crazy: .. Mind You they probably DO exist, just with my luck, Cant Find 'em.. :esad:
I know how to do the conversion weights/temperature/Volume etc:, but I am limited in converting every item in a recipe to be compatible with smaller unit sizes.. Do you just divide each item by a Quarter/Third/More-Less ?? or does it NOT work that way ?? ....
( :think: WHOA, Pull Up, Slowww Down, ...) Does the above make sense ?? I think I may be trying to OVER explain/Describe my problem.. So I will leave it at that, ...
a.k.a. The Old Fossil
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Re: Small Quantity Recipe ..?..

Post by Tater »

Just divide by what ever ratio that suits ya a 5 gallon recipe do in 5ths to get a gallon
I use a pot still.Sometimes with a thumper
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Re: Small Quantity Recipe ..?..

Post by DreamBandit »

I Kinda, Sorta thought that was how it worked but wanted to get a positive from someone that knew for a fact..
I will get the "needed" over the next few days and then see how much More reading I have to do,of course the other part to THAT equation is I will get to see just how Bad I really am. :problem:
THANKS for the info Tater.
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Re: Small Quantity Recipe ..?..

Post by midcarolina »

or you could just make a 5 gallon wash, and just rack off as much as you need to your boiler as you need it............
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Re: Small Quantity Recipe ..?..

Post by DreamBandit »

midcarolina wrote:or you could just make a 5 gallon wash, and just rack off as much as you need to your boiler as you need it............
Now THERE'S a Thought !! .... Thanks.....

And someone said to me, Why do you Haunt the Home Distiller page...
Standard answer from now is gonna be, Because the Help & Advice is Freely Given...

The Old Fossil
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