Sooner than I thought....

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper 8)

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Sooner than I thought....

Post by DreamBandit »

Well, I've gone and done it... Committed to my Very First "Real" Still, .. It is a "Beer Me" brand boiler with a "Pure Distilling" Spirit Condenser.. Like I Had to Keep Repeating to She who MUST be Obeyed, .. Without hesitation ..., It was too good of a bargain to NOT get...( I Swear, I Will NEVER make the Dog Sleep in Here Again.. )
It is a little earlier than when I had thought I would get one, But, .. He Who Hesitates etc: etc:...
I will most likely put at least 2 cleaning runs through it and then put it away for a time, ..I have No wish to jump in the Deep End until I feel I am just that bit more knowledgeable, and have had a play around with the smaller Pressure Cooker unit i have put together..
That's me for the day, I am off to catch up with the Sleep fairy...

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