favorite mixed drink

What do you drink, and how do you drink it?

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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by bentstick »

Right at this moment spiced SF and ginger ale Yum! :relaxed:
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by john442 »

vetting wrote:milwaukee bulldog -
2 shots of vodka
2 shots of Kahlua (home made of course)
2 shots of cream
shake in a shaker with ice
pour into glass - top with a splash of coca cola

Up here in Canukistan we call that a "Parlyser"
we use whole milk instead of cream
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by FantsGrove »

Deathmix, boat party juice to get it going,

1 gal lemon lime gatorade
8 redbull
~1/2 gallon highest proof liquor ya got, call for everclear but ive been using UJSSM and Neutral BW
(adjust for your desired effect) but this will hydrate energize you first then as the redbull wears off the drunk comes on

do not operate the boat if drinking this, first hour you think your sober then u get the sugar crash drunk feeling
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by johnny108 »

A traditional "Death in the Afternoon":
"Pour one jigger absinthe into a Champagne glass. Add iced Champagne until it attains the proper opalescent milkiness. Drink three to five of these slowly."
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by GuyFawkes »

My friend calls it an irish float, I dont know if thats a common term. it is very simple though, equal parts rum and root beer, and either cool whip or ice cream. ice cream is of course advisable, but cream is easier to sip on/drink while ice cream can be difficult

either way, it is the shizznit, its like a rum and root beer on the rocks, plus creaminess. very good dessert drink
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by BokaBakla »

I still like rum and coke.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by beerkegbilly »

I like snake bite Yukon, jack lemon juice
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Scrap dogg »

1 part SF shine, 2 parts sprite, and ice with a lime wedge. Excellent.
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Post by TimJ »

bronzdragon wrote:I have got to say that this is the time of year when my favorite mixed drink, by far, comes into use. The classic Egg Nog! I like it with bourbon or dark rum.

Two or three fingers of spirit in a rocks glass, topped up with egg nog, a shake of cinnamon and you're set.

I've tried many recipes for homemade egg nog over the years ... and I'm usually the guy spouting off about making things from scratch ... however, in this instance I have to say that a half gallon jug of egg nog from your local dairy is better then what I have been able to do from scratch.


I have to tell you my mother's eggnog recipe! Although these days I am not sure about salmonella, but find salmonella free eggs and enjoy! This is what I grew up with......

In a large crock, break open a dozen whole eggs. Mix in a gallon of 2% milk, a gallon of vanilla icecream, and one large tub of mirricle whip, whipped cream. Mix it well, and "mush up" the icecream.

Ad a shot of your bourbon to a large glass and it WILL be a happy holliday! :-)
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by WNC-PrivateStock »

Personally, my favorite is my version of strawberry panty dropper... I make strawberry blast, the same thing I use for my strawberry wine base and mix with everclear and make a lovely 40 proof drink. It's just too tasty to make it 80 proof. When I make a run of grain alcohol in the 160 to 190 proof range, I'll try using that instead of buying everclear.

2nd favorite is my apple pie... again, with everclear since I've made no grain alcohol strong enough to do this with...although maybe some 80 proof sweet feed will work with this one...right now, mine is just too good...or so I'm told by those who won't leave any of my stuff alone. I'm thinking when I make my raspberry panty dropper...this will become my 3rd favorite.

I'm going to make raspberry panty dropper next time I'm getting set up to make a raspberry wine run... I'll again, be using everclear until I get my grain alcohol recipe perfect. I'm thinking that sweetfeed whiskey is a little too sweet and "rummy" when it's only 80 proof so maybe if I run it twice it'll be good for these recipes.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by whetstone »

I like apple pie...
2 cans of frozen apple juice per 1qt of 160proof neutral spirits, add in 1/2 cup of brown sugar and pour over a cinnamon stick in a quart jar. the women around here cant seem to get enough of it....
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Boda Getta »

3 fingers charred, aged SF or UJSSM neat (maybe sometimes a half splash of water)

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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by whetstone »

A summertime favorite...
1case of cheap lite beer
2 cans of frozen lemonade
1 can of frozen limeade
1 qt of vodka
Mix well & enjoy over ice
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Copperhead farms »

Canadian whiskey (whatever is your favorite) and ginger ale is what keeps me going. But I just started substituting the ginger ale with a good lemonade. Great summer drink
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by midwest shinner »

My most recent favorite drink is a spin on a whiskey sour(the recipe I use calls for a blended whiskey, which makes a mighty tasty drink I must say) but lately I've been enjoying Corn whiskey sours. 1.5oz Corn whiskey, 1oz lemon juice, 1 tbsp sugar in a shaker half full of crushed ice. Pour into a rocks glass full of ice cubes and enjoy. By the way, fresh squeezed lemon juice makes for a much better drink than the pre-bottled crap, in my opinion.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Fuk »

At the festivals i frequent apple pie (i'm told an everclear based drink that really tastes like apple pie) and kuluah (another everclear based one with coffee as another ingredient) are very well made and very popular i've been meaning to get the recipes to both (cause my neutral is way better than everclear) anywayz i'll post em when i do if it's ok with the folks i get them from
EC-1118 + birdwatcher's variant (~15gallon wash)+ pot still = high proof neutral
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by buddahj »

I enjoy either Kettle One or Grey Goose and tonic with a few lime wedges.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by screwgie »

Current Drink is the Grumpy Old Man

Rock Glass with Ice
2 oz. Wheated Whiskey (i.e. Makers)
1 oz. Lime Juice
Top with Ginger Ale
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Black Eye »

My most recent favorite drink is a spin on a whiskey sour(the recipe I use calls for a blended whiskey, which makes a mighty tasty drink I must say) but lately I've been enjoying Corn whiskey sours. 1.5oz Corn whiskey, 1oz lemon juice, 1 tbsp sugar in a shaker half full of crushed ice. Pour into a rocks glass full of ice cubes and enjoy. By the way, fresh squeezed lemon juice makes for a much better drink than the pre-bottled crap, in my opinion.
:thumbup: :thumbup: That's how I've been enjoying my white lately. I throw a cherry or two in as well. I like my oaked whiskey better than the white whiskey straight up.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Jimbo »

screwgie wrote:Current Drink is the Grumpy Old Man

Rock Glass with Ice
2 oz. Wheated Whiskey (i.e. Makers)
1 oz. Lime Juice
Top with Ginger Ale
That sounds GOOD, thanks. Ill stop and get some lime juice and ginger ale on the way home haha. Been drinking whiskey sours, with wheated bourbon, lemon juice and 7-up. Dems good too!

Its Mojito season too, the missus likes those so Ive been making them 2 at a time and enjoying one with her.

Mojito: About 10 fresh leaves off the mint plant. Couple ounces Panela Rum (Thanks Sugardaddy). 1/4 lime. Muddle in a glass together. Top up with 7-up and ice.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Black Eye »

Tonight..... I'm enjoying my whiskey mixed with a BOSTON BRUINS win. Very sweet taste.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by midwest shinner »

Wow are we all drinking the same things at the same time? With the whiskey sours before and for the past 2 weeks or so I've been stuck on mojitos too. My panela rum from Sugar Daddy is a bit behind yours Jimbo, still pretty fresh off the still Thank god for the ginormous mint bush in my garden, could make enough mojitos for the whole damn forum... My fiancee has been liking the sunshine tea(thanks to holy bear for the recipe) with lemonade, kind of a drunken Arnold Palmer. I also tried my first mint julep recently and damn, I didn't realize they were so heavy on the bourbon, pretty decent after the ice melts a wee bit though
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by midwest shinner »

I must say Black Eye you are definitely right about things tasting even sweeter when your team is winning, that being said i am a Blackhawks fan and i can't wait to see you guys in the next round :ewink:
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Jimbo »

:thumbup: How about them HAWKS! YA BABY! 2 in the first. WOOT. Enjoying the game while drinking apple brandy neat and brewing up a SMaSH, single malt single hop beer, with Sorachi Ace hops.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Black Eye »

I must admit hawks are my favorite team from the west. I've been hoping for a Bruins / Hawks Stanley cup for quite some time. Hope the Hawks close it out tonight.

I was a little too excited to see Cindy Crosby and the penguins pack up for the season. I had far more than my fair share in celebration.

Since I got all my tasks done today... I'll keep up tradition and drink a few too many for you hawks fans. Wish it was some if that apple brandy I've read a lot about it.

White whiskey sours and my glass raised to you all.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by midwest shinner »

I'm extremely glad that you now got your wish for a Hawks/Bruins Stanley cup final Black Eye :mrgreen:
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Jimbo »

OK Black Eye! We got our rivalry! BRING IT. haha. I suspect its gonna be a bruising finals! WooOOoT!!
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by Cardinalbags »

The Canadian Classic Cocktail: The Caesar!

Vodka to desired strength
An assortment of ice cubes (or ice wedges as the icemaker on my fridge makes)
4 dashes of Tobasco
4-5 dashes Worcestershire sauce
Clamato juice. (Hard to find in the US, when I travel there and ask for a Caesar, I always get funny looks and end up with a Bloody Mary instead!!)

Don't forget to rim the glass with celery salt. Finish off with a wedge of citrus if desired, but commonly served with a length of celery or a spiced pickled bean....

Tasty! :P

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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by BryanHelmich »

I am new to this distilling thing, but I am having the time of my life. The masses love the liqueurs made neutral spirits... Amaretto, kahlua, Frangelico, and other panty droppers. For me... I love a smokey whiskey made from 50% corn, 25% rye, and 25% barley that has been aged on toasted white oak with an alligator char. Put that in a big balloon glass so the aroma is intense and I am one content nan. I am having one right now and that one might stretch into two or three since the wife is spending a few days with family! I keep laying down experiments and look forward to them truely coming of age. With that experimentation and the wisdom associated with this forum, I expect my "cellar" to be a fought over asset when I pass many years from now. My distilling legacy is going to be smokey, well aged whiskey.
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Re: favorite mixed drink

Post by googe »

My rum and coke.
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