Does this mean that flutes have a hard time separating the heads from the run and the result would be smearing into the hearts making it hard to get real smooth product? I haven’t seen this discussed before and if it has please point me there. Trying to avoid that BITE!!!!!
I dont want to clutter Navy Vets thread, but no. Any column with a reflux condenser will do a god job of concentrating heads if left in full reflux for a reasonable time. Including Flutes.
Flutes will not make neutral. There is not enough plates to allow for fraction separation even with the best effort at maintaining equilibrium. Heads can be taken and water removed for a high ABV but tails will come through with hearts. They are a great one run and done whiskey or Rum still.
Check out my thread here. PM me if you have more questions and I will explain or give you more to read. ... =1&t=35332
Bitchin rig NV