Power and condenser calculations

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Power and condenser calculations

Post by Craisogaenus »

Okay when I've built a few pot stills before (and I helped a friend build a packed column) and I've never really taken into account for calculations, but I am this time wanting to build a beauty (bubble-capped/perforated) in which I want to invest some considerable amount of time and money into it's construction so I want it spot on, for this I need to do ''power'' and ''condenser'' calculations I was wondering if I could just have some advice from some of the more experienced still engineers on here (or any others' input into column designs) e.g. calculation information, hints, example calculations.

Many thanks guys.
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Re: Power and condenser calculations

Post by Bushman »

This is a tough one to answer as there are a lot of variables and a little more information might be needed. On the parent site we have this calculator that might help you get started.

http://homedistiller.org/calcs/cond_calc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: Power and condenser calculations

Post by emptyglass »

Hit the calc page hard. The one in Bushmans link.
Also, a good read through the flute talk thread is a job in itself, but you will come out understanding them a lot better and find that a lot of the calcs have been done. I don't like saying go read up, sorry.
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Re: Power and condenser calculations

Post by myles »


I suspect we have talked previously in another guise.

Before you start thinking about this it is important to get the power input sorted out. What size boiler and what diameter column have you in mind. Once you have those, you can propose a vapour speed, from which you can work out a vapour volume and work backwards to the power input required.

The condenser calculations can then be run to determine the condenser requirements - but everything depends on the power input. If necessary you can specify a power input first, and then design the column and condenser to match.

Not being awkward but the max power is the limiting factor to everything else.
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